[center][h2]~ Prologue ~[/h2] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230513/dfafe18ba568175af864b097976d3fa6.png[/img][/center] [hr] Our story begins with the night sky, an infinite dome of deep midnight blue, decorated by the glistening motes of the heavens. From zenith to horizon, this celestial shell remained unobstructed as you crest one of the peaks of the Therakin Mountain range. The darkness above your head contrasted the ethereal silver below your feet, the snow around you illuminated by the captivating moonlight. To your sides, the cliffs of this peak dropped steeply, granting you an unobstructed view of the countryside both to the east and west. On your right, the mountains receded quickly as your gaze flew further east, and to the still somewhat unexplored forests that sat snug against this earthly spine you walked atop. There, the border leading to the Kingdom of Geland and its many provinces was drawn where tree met stone. On your left, the mountains of Therakin sloped more gently west, dotting the Daldon Empire with several more peaks as far as the eye could see. [color=E6B0AA]"Th'wind's quite calm tonight, ain't it?"[/color] The only other living thing nearby spoke to you as he tossed a glance over his left shoulder. What looked back at you with beady almond-colored eyes was the stout and stocky mug of a mountain dwarf. His head was helmeted by a massive wool cap, rivaled only by the magnitude of his salt-and-pepper beard which cascaded from his lips and jaw just beyond his belt. Adding to his width was a heavy fur coat wrapped tightly over his shoulders and around his stomach. You had only met this man half a day ago, but you knew him as Umildraen Nogrid, a hermit and guide-of-sorts for those daring or foolish enough to embark on this pilgrimage. [color=E6B0AA]"Count yer'self lucky,"[/color] Umildraen wagged a finger before facing forward and continuing to trudge through the snow. [color=E6B0AA]"I gave a mighty fine prayer to Ersu for a safe hike after our dinner- a bit rushed but I'm supposin' some of th'gods ain't that picky,"[/color] he mused himself with a low chuckle. As he continued, the path he led you on steepened further, and you found yourself cresting yet another spike of frozen stone along the uneven spires here at the top of the world. From this miniature peak, your intended destination finally came into view. The summit of Therakin itself rose from between the next set of ridges, with only one more pass between you and the temple that jutted from the side of the cliffs near the very top. With only its entry structure visible from the outside, you presumed that the remainder- and what you sought within- were carved, chiseled, and constructed directly into the mountain itself. [color=E6B0AA]"Still don't get it, why yer' in such a rush to see th'Temple of Zorkuth,"[/color] your guide very visibly shrugged as he pulled himself up to the top of this penultimate peak. [color=E6B0AA]"I've led many a traveler to this very peak- you know. Th'temple's a sight for sure, but ya've seen th'walk to get up here, even from me cozy little shack half-way up."[/color] Umildraen scratched his beard with a thickly gloved hand and turned to face you. [color=E6B0AA]"Somethin' tells me you ain't just a tourist. Nobody would come up here at this time o'night just to take a gander and walk back down. What's in there that's gotcha in a hurry?"[/color] [hr] [color=95A5A6] • "Reports of a missing person led me here." • "There's a great evil residing in that temple." • "I've heard of the vast treasures that lie within." • "An ancient relic of great power rests there." [/color]