[center][h2]Part Two: Here we go…[/h2][/center] Dark Cloud sank down, letting the vegan cheesecake fly straight into Kaga Classs’ face. Kaga yelled in surprise but the cry was cut short by a [i]yum[/i] as they licked the cheesecake off their face and ate it. “OI! I SAID NO EATING CHEESECAKE!” Kaga Classs froze, realizing what they had just done. Dark Cloud floated over to Kaga and circled them dangerously, though the apparition couldn’t do much on the assault front- the voice could though. Kaga watched the dark cloud warily, unaware of the facts. More cheesecake began floating and chased them out of the bakery- multiple cakes passing through Dark Cloud. “YOU BROKE THE DEAL! YOU MUST PAY!” Red Rust: Wait! The cheesecake stopped in midair, waiting now. Red took a deep breath and attempted to keep their voice even as they tried to be the voice of reason to a disembodied phantom voice, a moody cloud, and a pirate that they didn’t yet know was a pirate. Red Rust: What if… we sacrfice Kaga Classs since they’re the one who ate the cheesecake? Kaga Classs: NO! Twisted Mind: Sure BrokenPromise: Mk. Dark Cloud: Ew. BaileyBlue302(calling from the Backrooms): WHY WOULD SOMEBODY WANT A SINNER? “I’ll-” BaileyBlue302(still calling): Please no! “-think about it.” BaileyBlue302: *groan* “Stop complaining. Hmm. Where’s Ice Reaver?” Dark Cloud: They left already. “YOU LET THEM ESCAPE?!” Dark Cloud: Sorry. BaileyBlue(STILL calling): You’re not! Dark Cloud: Am too! Meanwhile… Ice Reaver had managed to escape the bakery and run for help, but since it was the witching hour, nobody was awake to help. Those who were awake were busy telling stories and Ice Reaver didn’t want to bother them. Instead, Ice Reaver grabbed a horror forum and [hider=started writing.] [i]This forum section has been locked by ”admin” powers.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Back at the bakery] “Give me one reason I should take Kaga Classs as a sacrifice and not all of you instead.” Kaga Classs: You shouldn’t! Red Rust: Because… Kaga was the one to eat the cheesecake and not the other three of us. And you seem like a logical and merciful being. “You would be wrong about the being part.” BrokenPromise: What? “I am neither a being nor a state of being. I am simply-” BaileyBlue302(Backrooms, still): OW! WTF DARK CLOUD! [/hider] Ice Reaver finished writing and returned to the bakery with the horror story. They were met by a still moody Dark Cloud, who had managed to trap BaileyBlue302 in a cheesecake-making machine. Dark Cloud sighed, muttering a quiet curse as they saw Ice Reaver. Dark Cloud: THEY HAVE A STORY, BOSS! [center][h3]"Here we go…"[/h3][/center]