Beren whipped the rope until it wrapped tightly around his thick arm, eyeing the newcomer warily but not with any hostility. The man wore red and gold colors, accentuated with a cloak of burgundy. Emmaline fixed her wide brimmed hat, as if being presentable to this man was the first order of business. "When we must," Beren answered him, and stepped in front of Emmaline just in case. "You're not a native. Who are you?" The shapely woman poked her head out past Beren's shoulder, whispering to him conspiratorially. "He's a Basilean. A protostate it looks like. You know, a legionary." "She's well informed." The legionary stated, keeping his crossbow down. He looked relieved at their evident traveler's garb and attitude. He stepped to the side and indicated they follow. "I am afraid I have to ask you both to come with me. I'm sure you're going to Darkwater. This is too far out of the way for you to be hunters, even though your lady here looks dressed for it." They saw little reason to argue or fight on it, and Emmaline looked overjoyed at the prospect of a bed and a roof a few days before they reached their destination. Beren had to admit it sounded nice, and so they followed him into the trees. Apparently it wasn't far, as they used this river for their water source. Thew man introduced himself as protostate legionary Drachus. "And what are you doing all this way down in the dark continent?" Emmaline asked him as they rounded the bend. The road led past a jumble of stones and moss covered cypress trees, and before them was a large palisade wall of spiked logs. Before it was a well-dug gulley, spanning the breadth of the wall. A wooden bridge stretched over the short expanse. For a temporary dwelling, it looked efficiently made. "Why, colonization of course. The Emperor wishes to take hold of the riches here and regain what the old praelian empire has lost." A droplet hit Beren's bicep, and another plopped atop Emmaline's hand, and within seconds a light rain had begun to fall on them. Beren closed his eyes and raised his head to appreciate the coolness on his skin, but the rain became heavier, and Drachus called for the gate to open. Emmaline huddled under Beren's shoulder like it was a miniature cliff face to keep dry. He felt obligated to help her with that, keeping what rain he could off of her as the gate slowly opened for the three of them.