[CENTER][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1070187379547176990/1108929068998594640/Jonna_Harlson.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=goldenrod][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Team 78 Campsite[/I] - [I]Southern Plateau, Dundas Island[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=goldenrod][b]Chapter #1.110b[/b][/COLOR] [I]Beefore you freak out[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub] [indent]Jo had busied herself with eating and ease dropping in to the conversations around her. Pizza topics and a few were talking about their abilities. She could feel herself tense at the casual mention of some of their powers. How gifted they were to control sound or speed but when it came to Jo, people never seemed to hold her in the same esteem. The worst of made their distaste known but even those that didn't, the ones that quietly nodded, seemed to hide a disgust for how different Jo was. That distaste they'd save to use when she wasn't in the room. However, she was happy to be what she was. They were everything to her as family. Her new and improved family. [/indent] [quote]“Uh… Okay. There’s leaks in my head and things get in so it's itchy…” Already scratching at his arms to back up his words, he scowled at the people nearest him before landing on the one wearing long sleeves and sitting there too quiet for innocence. Didn’t know if they’d said their name yet, but since no one else was next to them, he didn’t need to specify more than his stare already was. “You have bugs? They’re crawling in my skin on your clothes.” He started out almost accusing but not quite sure. It felt like the little hooked feet of insects tucking around thread, but usually that came with old things, not new. Or panic. But… No one was flailing. So, he ended with a rather more plaintive than not, “Why?”[/quote] [indent]Jo turned her head at the itchy boy, considering his words. His alarm was putting him in the former category, but that wasn't fair to him. He was rather itchy and that seemed to be bothering him. Maybe that was his ability and it flared up from time to time. She wondered about it but then the chance for the exchange of information was presented. [i]Why?[/i] [color=goldenrod]"Hello, I am a beehive."[/color] Jo responded, her Scandivanian accent was laced heavily in her words. Thankfully she had been well taught in English up to this point. She raised a hand in between her and the itchy boy, outstretching a finger. A lone bee crawled from under her sleeve up to the tip of her finger. [color=goldenrod]"So I am house to many, many bees inside me."[/color] She pointed at herself and then to her bee with her other hand. She smiled, seemingly happy with that reality. [color=goldenrod]"They are all me but not really all me. More like family."[/color] She admitted, laying a finger on that very bee she had to give it a soft pet. [color=goldenrod]"And you?"[/color] She nodded her head towards him. [color=goldenrod]"Why do you itch?"[/color][/indent] [hr][hr] [CENTER][img][/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=goldenrod][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Team 78 Campsite[/I] - [I]Southern Plateau, Dundas Island[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=goldenrod][b]Chapter #2.05[/b][/COLOR] [I]Honeyed Words[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub] [indent]Agitated. A low droning sound came from Jo as their camping trip was interrupted by them. Who were they? Jo did not know. She did not want to be involved and the rest of her, the swarm, did not want too. They came out in greater numbers, circling in a frenzy as man went on about what this was. She wanted to flee as soon as their tent was ripped free, escape into the woods so they'd be spared. However, there was something in that man's words that made her stay. What would have been her promise? Liberty and isolation from all the people that didn't understand her. The people cursed and swatted those bits of her that flew around, that cringed or laughed at what she was. And those weapons... Jo tensed as her eyes settled on the drawn firearm. Those inhibitors, robbing her of what she loved to be. She hated them for it and yet, so far, they were the most understanding for who she was. All this conflict, she tried to avoid, but here and now, she found herself turning over the two sides in her head. The swarm raved in their frenzy as more bees crawled out, distressed by what Jo was feeling. She stepped forward but faltered on her second step. She wanted to go but stopped. Even looking back, she'd not know the exact reason only that she feared what that offered hand would pull her into. She couldn't take another step and fell to her knees, frustrated, and that opportunity seemed to close as they departed.[/indent] [hr] [@Lawful Newtral] [indent]While the swarm had calmed, Jo's mind stirred in conflict since Hyperion's visit. She just wanted to be left alone and the promise of Pacific Royal was to eventually offer her that without any power inhibition. That's all she wanted but this challenge issued to the leadership had made her think. Would they be targeted often? How [i]worthless[/i] were the staff to protect them and if that were the case, then how long before another incursion? Jo did not want any risk and before arriving here, it seemed like this was the least risky option but now... She let out a frustrated breath as she tried to bring herself back to where she was: A Viking funeral for Cassander Charon. Being Swedish, she had heard about these with boys back at the orphanage sometimes claiming they'd want a funeral just like this as their ancestors. She wanted to see it for herself, but Jo could only think of the horror of being surrounded by water. Her thoughts never really dwelled on the deceased, only the threat of the ocean tide as it came to rise and fall. It was best to leave but as she tried, someone latched on to her wrist. Jo's glare went down to her wrist before turning and lifting to meet the face of one. Ariel, was it? They were on the same team, more, this was someone, Jo had figured through eavesdropping, to be a more energetic and friendly than the rest. She frowned, seeing their distress over the loss of Cass. Did they know Cass, Jo wondered, and for the sake of Ariel, Jo remained still and quiet as she turned her head back to the horrific body of water ahead. The funeral ended and Jo silently slipped free of Ariel's grasp, but she did not leave right away. Instead she lingered further away from the water until Ariel had retreated from the ceremony as well. Jo wasn't really good at communicating with people and didn't know what to say, but she did feel like she had to say something. [color=goldenrod]"Sorry for you. Cass was your friend, ya?"[/color] She could understand the feeling of loss. She had to deal with it anytime in her own unique way, but she didn't think she had friends to feel about that way. Ariel had just seemed the type to feel that way about everyone. Probably had a lot of friends, too.[/indent]