Fenna kept her spear ready and her eyes on the Centaur as it backed away when it suddenly grabbed the Ninja. She held her spear up, but didn't try to attack a second time. First she wanted to see how this would play out, and then maybe she could take advantage of a weak point. Watching their enemies battle each other made her realise one thing: the chances of them winning this fight against these formidable foes were slim, close to not-existing. The ninja finished off the centaur with an explosion that made her cover her ears. When she looked up, she couldn't see the ninja any more. It was a relief to see the ninja kill the centaur, and a freighting sight at the same time. Their enemy had single-handedly slain those big wolfs and a centaur? Where was he know? She couldn't worry about it too long, as the Centaur staggered around and she had to make sure to stay out of its reach as long as it was alive. Then the ground rumbled as green energy collected into a ball. Arthur came to their rescue and Fenna wanted to rejoice, but the cheer got stuck in her throat when she saw Arthur impaled. [i]No...[/i] was all she could think when she saw the anchor clatter and their companion disappear in the gorge with their enemy. First Clive, now Arthur... She stared at the place where Arthur had disappeared. It was Zell who pulled her back when he shook her hand and complimented her performance. She smiled and uttered a similar sentiment, but in her mind she doubted how awesome she had been. Two of their group had died already. This place was dangerous. She watched James pick up the fallen anchor and turned to walk with the group to Valheim. Halfway there the falcon returned and dropped the cube in her hand. It was a burden and she'd like nothing better to get rid of it in Valheim, but she'd carry this burden for now and put it in her bag. Lilliana had guarded it and almost died because of it, the ninja who was after it had killed Clive, who was now being carried by Joji for a proper burial. And Arthur... if it hadn't been for that Ninja, they could have all fought against the centaur togehter and maybe Arthur would have still been with them - they weren't even able to bury him. These thoughts occupied her mind as she walked in silence with the others towards the city. At the gate Fenna paused for a moment, deciding with whom to go. Knowing she had the cube with her, she didn't want to linger outside the city too long, not with that ninja still alive, somewhere. Fenna entered the city with Adam, James and Zell, and Lilliana who was being carried. At first she barely registered anything of the city, she just followed the others as they went to the hospital. Her wounds were minimal. Sure, she was aching, but overall not in a bad condition. Her falcon flew to the top of the hospital and preened her feathers as Fenna went inside with the others. She looked up when James spoke and nodded in agreement. "We were so unprepared for this..." she muttered. "We lost two..." She choked on her words and needed a moment before she could continue. "It's best that we wait for everyone to be here and we'll get rid of the damned cube together."