[hr][hr] [color=#ff8c69]MZ-33, Protocol Droid[/color] [color=6ecff6][i]29 pts (Light-Side)[/i][/color] [hr][hr] [color=6ecff6]"I will get it on my way past. The droids seem to be cleared out, so my path should be clear."[/color] Emzie left. They did not look back. There was no reason to. They trusted Commander Firtick to do their duty. Carrying Raynor did not tire them. He was heavy, maybe at the limit of Emzie's capacity, but not so heavy as to slow them down. As they passed the General, they stopped and found the lightsaber. Adding it to the small compartment where the strange droid's lightsaber was stored. Emzie was not concerned that they'd be mixed up. Then they continued out of the building. Outside the building, Emzie moved as quickly as they could. They were putting distance between themself and the factory, heading back for the ship that had the bacta tank. With some care, Emzie placed Commander Raynor back into the bacta tank. They found themselves hoping he would surviveā€”a sliver of hope for the man who had almost killed himself to serve the Republic. Emzie could respect that.