[center][h3][b][color=E948FC]Danny Kingston[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/813757202661113906/Daniel_5.jpg [/img][hr][b][color=E948FC]Location:[/color][/b] Kree Spaceship [b][color=E948FC]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/701082630778650694/1064327600337592330/Glass_resize.jpg]First Day Fit[/url][hr][hr][/center] With the rush of cool(er) air around him once the fire vanished, Danni frantically patted himself down, checking his clothes, his hair, his skin… he fumbled his phone out of his pocket and pulled up the camera so he could see himself the best he could. He could do with a little moisturizer and the excitement of the day had mess his hair but otherwise, he was perfectly fine. [Color=E948FC]"Oh, t'ank God I'm still beautiful. I would 'ave absolutely lost it if t'at fire 'ad left any lingering marks. Definitely need some lotion, t'ough."[/color] Danni patted down his pockets and groaned as he realized he left all his pocket product in the dorm. [Color=E948FC]"Ugh, today of all days ta forget t'e necessities of life!"[/color] Something nagged at the back of his head. Yes, the fire was a problem but… he glanced over at the tarp wrapped Teddy. [Color=E948FC]"Bees!"[/color] He remembered with a snap of his fingers, a face full of pride at himself for remembering instantly morphing into horror as he did, in fact, remember they were surrounded by bees. He took care of the important stuff (aka making sure he was still flawless) and now he could feel horror at the thought of stinging insects burrowing their stingers into him! [Color=E948FC]"OMG T'E BEE…"[/color] However, his dramatics were far too late and the bees had vanished in the wake of a retreating storm of teenage angst. April, sporting a daring new look (they'd have to talk about that because she definitely couldn't let her wander around with that poor decision tan), beat a hasty path after her sister and Danni blew her a kiss. [Color=E948FC]"I'll keep you updated! Live commentary and all, no worries Princess!"[/color] He promised April, shouting as she zipped away. He turned back to Dee the not Tarp and put his hands on his hip. Danni was going to fire off a silly joke about plastic surgery cause tarp and plastic, but he was momentarily distracted by a the buzz of his phone. He couldn't press delete fast enough. Gross. Why would he want to know they're… Danni shoved the offending device into his pocket and prayed for brain bleach. [Color=E948FC]"Blah, gross. Beanie's bein' gross wit' Leah and… Wait. But Beanie was 'oldin' 'ands and stuff wit' Princess, and t'en Beanie said some vague stuff when I asked about it and now she's doin' t'ings wit'out Princess?"[/color] Danni scowled, his foot tapping and hands waving around as he spoke. [Color=E948FC]"So is Beanie leadin' Princess on? Do I 'ave ta fight Beanie? Oh God, Dee, I don't wanna fight Beanie. I mean, I'll fight Beanie cause ride or die for t'e squad, bitches, but ugh, why would she do t'is?!"[/color] He wailed, shaking Dee violently by the shoulders like a human shaped magic eight ball. He could feel the strange not-hollowness in his chest at the situation, anxiety and dread just eating at each other in a vicious cycle, but the birthday boy asked a question and the birthday boy would get his answer. After all, birthdays were important! [Color=E948FC]"Nah, I'm chill, I'm good. I got plenty of time ta make your birt'day dinner!"[/color] Danni waved away the option, focusing on making sure his best friend had fun after the rough start to the day.