[color=darkgray] Calli took a moment in the tent to put on clothes. It wouldn't do well to stifle rumors if she ran out after Banjo in nothing but her underwear. Later, she would think back to that split decision, even though it took her roughly a few minutes, and feel guilt. What if she had left sooner? What if she hadn't let Banjo walk out alone? Would things have been different? Once outside, it was clear something was off. Almost like the air was charged with intensity. Perhaps that was the lingering effects of the storm, but Calli could feel the charge. It seemed the others had also, because she was not alone at the campsite. What she saw though altered herself. She quickly noted the feelings were the loss of her powers. How long had she been dreaming of not having her powers anymore? To be normal? Ever since she found out about her powers she longed for them to disappear and now that her wish was granted she felt....empty. Like a significant part of herself was taken and she felt hollow. In a matter of moments that seemed to take forever, the threat was revealed. Betrayal. She knew the feeling well. What were her father's actions if not a form of betrayal? She knew very little about the other students, but even so, weren't they here to do better? Instead, they fueled the hatred of Hyperhumans. The hooded figure took time to address of few of their own. Haleigh, Rory. Calli felt herself grow angry at the hooded figure's comments. Calli looked around to see where Banjo was and quickly locked on to him. However, she was too late to do anything to stop Banjo from opening his mouth. [color=F796A9][i]"What are you doing you idiot?"[/i][/color] she thought to herself. She felt herself get riled up as Hyperion chattered away, doing their best to get Banjo to join them. Calli would later also think back to this moment, knowing full well that Banjo would do no such thing, but also admitting she couldn't be 100% sure. And that moment of falter would undo her. As quick as it was to see him it took Hyperion mere seconds to launch him in the air. [color=F796A9][b]"NO!"[/b][/color] she screamed, starting to run forward before she felt arms around her, grappling her in her spot. She turned to look at who had the audacity to step in and saw some woman she did not recognize at first. [color=white]"There's nothing you can do! You need to hold back."[/color] Calli recognized the woman as Jessica, the student mentor for another team. Even still, Calli's first thought was to deck the woman, instead, opting to get out of the hold. [color=F796A9]"Let go of me! I need to..."[/color] Calli turned and fought the woman off, but she was too late. The figure had targeted Cass, who had a gun, and impaled him. Calli stumbled forward, falling to the ground on her knees. She looked up to see Banjo falling. In that moment, she felt fear. Intense fear. She felt herself tune out everyone talking. She was sure Jessica was trying to speak to her, but Calli couldn't hear it. She felt her heart race and, ironically, grow colder. The edges of her vision began to darken. Her breathing grew heavy and pained. She knew the symptoms well, though in the past she got these attacks when her grades at school were being threatened or when she had to make public appearances for her father. [color=F796A9][i]"Keep it together Calliope. Keep it together."[/i][/color] Her thoughts were not connecting to her body. Eventually, a cocktail of fear, panic, and exhaustion took over and Calli felt herself slip, landing on the cold ground. [hr] [hr][sup][h1][center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1070187379547176990/1079854995761008752/Calliope_Banner.png[/img][/center][b][center][color=black] C A L L I O P E[/color] [color=F796A9]C A L L I O P E[/color] [/center] [/b][/h1][/sup][indent][sub][COLOR=SILVER][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=SILVER][b]First Class #2.09: [/b][/COLOR] [I]Protection[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][sub][color=SILVER][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR][i]Team Blackjack[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=SILVER][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]N/A[/I][/right][/SUP] Calliope had woken up in the school's medical facility. She was out for a good couple of hours. The staff there recommended she remain there to check. Each medical personnel gave her a warm smile that didn't meet their eyes. Calli knew it wasn't some nightmare she had. Cass was dead. Banjo was killed or hurt. Tad was missing. And who knows what the other students were feeling. Calli closed her eyes, attempting to block out everything around her. She didn't want to smile back. She didn't want to heal up. She thought of nothing more than meeting that hooded figure and the students who betrayed the school and freezing their blood from within until their bones cracked. The machine she was connected to started beeping due to her elevated heart rate and one of the staff came over. Calli opened her eyes and calmed down. Now wasn't the time. [hr] [color=white]"Hello Ms. de Leon. My name is Dr. Fiona Arthur. How are you feeling today?"[/color] [color=F796A9]"Fine."[/color] Dr. Arthur wrote something down in her notebook. Probably that Calli was anything but fine. [color=white]"That's good, but you know it is all right if you aren't feeling fine. Especially given the things you've seen. We all grieve in different ways."[/color] [color=F796A9]"Tell me then doctor. Is planning homicide a way to grieve?"[/color] To her credit, Dr. Arthur did not display any shock to her question. [color=white]"Do you plan on following through with your plan?"[/color] Calliope knew therapists and other medical professionals were mandated reporters. She knew if she laid out everything she had been thinking about, it would be reported. Which was funny since she only planned on harming terrorists. Surely the authorities would turn a blind eye to that? [color=F796A9]"Of course not."[/color] [color=white]"It's rational to be angry. You experienced something traumatic. The school recommends therapy following something like this. Did you know the boy well? Cassander?"[/color] Calliope closed her eyes, picturing the first time she spoke to Cass. Then following it up with his face as he was impaled. Everything in between was a blur. Fuzzy. Like a TV screen when it's not on the right channel and it is nothing but static. [color=F796A9]"Not well enough. And now I never will."[/color] Dr. Arthur wrote something else down. [color=white]"Though you did not know him well, he was a part of your team. I imagine you aren't alone in your feelings."[/color] [color=F796A9]"With all due respect, fuck feelings."[/color] [color=white]"Feelings have a habit of coming, even when we don't want them. Tell me, how long have you had panic attacks?"[/color] Calli figured this was coming. Of course the school knew about her attacks. Hell, it was how she got to come to the school in the first place. [color=F796A9]"For as long as I can remember."[/color] Dr. Arthur wrote something down. [color=white]"Ever since you were a child? Or later on?[/color] [color=F796A9]"Child. I can handle them."[/color] [color=white]"Ms. de Leon, how come you aren't taking your medication?"[/color] Calli tensed up. [color=F796A9]"How do you know about that?"[/color] Dr. Arthur put her notebook down, now looking directly into Calli's eyes. [color=white]"I know about a lot more than you might think. That's why I am here. I know about your family. I know about your upbringing. About what happened that got you here. I know the choice of taking medication was stolen from you. If you want, I can write you a prescript..."[/color] Calli stood up, taking Dr. Arthur back. [color=F796A9]"I'm fine! I don't need pills! I can handle it! You don't know me, you know what's on whatever fucking report the school gave you has on me."[/color] Calli stormed towards the door. [color=white]"Anger is normal. We can talk..."[/color] [color=F796A9]"I am done talking."[/color] Calli opened the door and slammed it shut. Dr. Arthur messaged her secretary, [color=white]"Pencil Ms. de Leon for next week, same time."[/color] [hr] Calliope had attempted to see Banjo at the hospital, but every time she walked up, she was met with the same nurse who looked like she had been on rotation for three weeks straight. [color=white]"Honey, I don't know how many times I have to tell you. Family only."[/color] Biting her tongue, Calli stopped trying. She made her way back to the school, where the funeral for Cass was quickly underway. There, along with her fellow students, they grieved for the loss of life. The others on her team were there. She could hear them talking. Haleigh especially. She could echo Haleigh's feelings. She too wanted nothing more than to find those that hurt them, hurt Banjo, killed Cass, and see them suffer. Trace and Rory had spoken up, consoling Haleigh. Trace had a point. Why? That question wracked her own brain. [color=F796A9]"Hyperion is going to pay."[/color] Calli let her words hang there. She wanted to let this be about Cass' memory and not her own plans for vengeance. She got a notice that she was scheduled for therapy the following week. She felt her heart race again. She wrapped one hand around her wrist and took some deep breaths. 1.... 2....... 3........... She quickly calmed down. See, Dr. Arthur. She was fine. She had to be.....[/color]