[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230405/e5177ff27216980f58dc1b2f96199c08.png[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/t8cLkg-1jvQAAAAd/cheryl-blossom-madelaine-petsch.gif[/img] [/center] [hr][right][sub]Location: Coven Household[/sub][/right] [right][sup]Time: 9:05PM[/sup][/right][hr] [indent][indent][indent][indent] The party certainly did drag on. In Fact it reminded Kirstie of the parties she attended back at college. She was always on the sidelines. Back at High school, she was used to being the [i]life[/i] of the party. Everyone who was anyone would want to be near her. They would all be competing for her attention. Even those who hated her. Tonight however, no one seemed to be as much as batting an eyelid to her. It was almost as if everyone had forgotten High School had existed. She had always felt vulnerable in the coven. None of her old entourage were a part of it. So she would bully and boss her way at school, and then come here, on her own. Turns out people are much more likely to defend themselves when it is a one on one situation. Kirstie walked over and picked up a bottle of vodka, popping off the lid she necked some of it neat. With a cough she put the lid back on the bottle before trying to integrate herself into the party. However she noticed that people wouldn’t bite back and talk to her. Whenever she tried to say more than a sentence, people seemed to just turn their back. Okay. She saw how this was. You go away for a while, and people think they can forget who you are and the power you wielded? But how to fix it? Normally she would make an example out of someone. Plot some kind of prank or rumor that would eat away at her target. But for some reason, at this party she was drawing blanks. Lilith was the obvious target. She might have gone away to college, but the raging desire to knock that bitch down a peg or two still burned within her. If anything it had gotten worse since now she had pulled into the coven. This was always Lilith’s domain, and High school had been hers. Now with no more High school, the balance of power had been decidedly shifted. Kirstie was starting to feel like more of a caged animal. Kirstie was about to start her ramage and find Lilith. However she was abruptly stopped when she saw Lilith enter from the garden seemingly guiding a group of people who seemed to be holding an oddly frozen Carlisle. Everyone seemed to be gathering in the dining room and despite her overwhelming urge to smack Lilith, she refrained from doing so. Something was clearly going down. It didn’t take long however for things to truly kick off. The coven was accosted by some male and a bunch of werewolves. Kirstie had kind of regretted not being here earlier in the day so she would be caught up. It seemed that everyone had the fight on hand. Kirstie hung back, picking up an empty bottle of gin and holding it just in case someone tried charging forward towards the back of the group. In a few minutes, the fight was seemingly over and the group had retreated. Everything seemed to simmer back down again. But everything was awkward now. Did you carry on with the party? Or is that the end of it? Her eyes once more fell onto Lilith, who was now going into the basement. Five or so minutes later they emerged once more and Lilith was in tow with Miles. Lilith had decided that she had enough of the party. [color=EE4B2B]”This party fucking sucks”[/color] She said aloud. Quite loud actually. But she didn’t care if anyone heard her. Carlisle didn’t know how to throw a fucking good party. This felt more like a junior school prom than an actual social party. With that little tantrum, Kirstie stormed off out of the household, back towards her car. Opening the door she turned on the engine and revved it, not caring if she was slightly drunk while driving, before taking off and driving into town, looking for an actual bar to get pissed in. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]