At David's consenting line of questions, Rulania skips over to him and extends her hand to him. Her smile curves her lips upwards in a confident manner as she curtsies in a semi-formal fashion, raising her skirt lightly with her other hand. "Tis my honor then, sirrah, thy hand in mine and take care to mind mine feet as I guideth thee in the dance." And presuming his further consent, she guides him in a simple dance. The only contact of their bodies being the singular hand, the dance a spinning and childish thing where they twirl about each other by contact with their palms. She guides the motions, starting with simple long twirls, but soon creates a singular elaborate pattern—then she begins to sing, as if the words could no longer be contained within her. Sheer joy bubbling forth from her lips as they perform this slow pattern of twirls. Her lips move in a strange fashion, the words flowing out from her not in her own voice. Instead, David's voice fills the area round him. [i]His Song[/i]. The tapping of a keyboard forms the undercurrent and beat, the echoing of dot-matrix printer patterns become a chorus, the wafting of old wind chimes a refrain, and the sudden striking of a gong bringing the song to a crescendo; his voice flows in an ethereal way around him, and through His Song he glimpses—and indeed, grasps—a part of himself that he may not have understood was missing. [@Conscripts] [b]You may add the following to your character sheet[/b] [hider=Echo Verse] [img][/img] [i]Through others we become ourselves. Imitation is not merely the sincerest form of flattery; it is the sincerest form of learning. Let your observations and rote carry you forth. Let your paths be many. Let your horizons be broad. Let the wonders of others amaze you— but most importantly of all, let them inspire you. You are so much more than the sum of your parts, and you, uniquely, can see what makes others great as well.[/i] David may, by touching someone else, copy an ability bestowed by the realm of Yo'Bikur for a short period of time. Eventually, he will be able to do so for longer periods of time, or potentially copy more than one power at once, but for now his limitation is 'One' 'For a short time' 'By Touch'. You may flavor your imitation of another's power however you wish to appropriately fit your tin-man form, or you may embrace the other person's own fantastic qualities with your imitation. [/hider] Rulania sighs, a soft glow emanating from within her veins. The colors of the aurora above the palace visible within her flesh, flowing through her and to coalescing at the hand touching David. As her lips close and the song stops, she breaks the contact with David and steps back a step. "There, thou'rt made whole for a time. My own song is bridging thy bond; twill form in its own time by thy own accord with Yo'Bikur. Ralek, endear thyself to mine heart?" She turns her eyes upon her brother; he chuckles and offers his hand to David. "Here you go." He says casually. "Give it a try." [hider=For Conscripts] If he touches Ralek, he discerns that the prince possesses a mighty, yet simple, ability. Ralek can manifest setting-appropriate weaponry—such as spears, swords, bows, arrows, axes, daggers, etc.—in the air around him. The prince, despite his casual attitude and relaxed demeanor, is never unarmed nor unprepared for sudden danger. [/hider]