[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/h131DW9.jpg[/img][/center] Spirits it had been a while since Dean had talked this much about magic. Really he would be happy to give whatever insights Silver Fang might need, But this was getting exhausting. He was about to do his best to explain what he knew about [Swordsong] when Golem pointed out a newcomer. Dean gave a friendly wave when Raudd. [color=8dc73f][b]"Well if it isn't my favorite un-killable Norseman."[/b][/color] He waved a hand to Yue casually. [color=8dc73f][b]"Just making sure our lost friend here gets her stuff back."[/b][/color] He gave Raudd an appretiative look. [color=8dc73f][b]"I might have also promised to bury anyone else up to their neck if they tried giving her more unsolicited advice and magical help. which, you know, you would be absolute shit at. No offense."[/b][/color] Looking to make another comment, Dean's jaw clacked shut hearing about the other Templar he and Alex had the pleasure of meeting previously. [color=8dc73f][b]"Ah right . . . [i]that[/i]."[/b][/color] He began to lead the two down the route back to his and Alex's house. Walking backwards with his arms behind his head in a casual manner. [color=8dc73f][b]"Y'all have the big meeting tonight to get the particulars squared away. Unfortunately there is no way in hell Halcyon doesn't know whats going on now. Got a [i]dragon[/i] to placate on top of it all. Glad I don't have to be a part of it."[/b][/color] He gave an unapologetic chuckle. A few minutes passed before the three exited the alley about two blocks away from the house. Dean abruptly stopped and looked to a small structure to the right. It was a covered shrine of sorts. Very well taken care off with not a spec of dirt, wear, or vandalism to be seen. Dozens of candles, offerings and letters were neatly organized around a metal statue that looked like a man attempting to look like a generic space marine from a science fiction novel. His helmet was held under one arm and a large mace in the other. The man's face was repetitively plain but captured an air of confidence and grit the man must have had. At the statues feet read a plaque in bold letters. [h2][center]Hardcase[/center][center]A protector till his last breath.[/center][/h2] The date inscribed bellow was 2043 . . . on a very significant day for more then one person present in the little group. Dean took a moment to stare at the statue, remembering the day all to vividly. Golem however gave him a gentle poke in the leg before he could get lost in that memory. He rolled his shoulders and looked back at the other two. [color=8dc73f][b]"Sorry, just remembering things."[/b][/color] He made a move to keep heading home when he caught Yue squinting at the memorial. Why did it feel like he was forgetting something important suddenly?[hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fCa90aX.jpg[/img][/center] . . . What the fuck? What the actual fuck?? Alex [i]really[/i] wanted to question his friend right now. None of this felt right or anywhere near normal even with powers involved. He felt like he had body wide goosebumps. That and a gut feeling that if he had been in actual direct contact with the two he might have had been a part of . . . whatever the hell had just transpired. He was thankful that Umbri came out cured from the experience, but it had left him with nothing but unease for Jemma. From wanting to hug her minutes ago to this, Alex was struggling to make sense of it all and his own feelings. Not that he had the luxury to process that all now. In the meantime, Alex leveled a glowing look at the balding man and waved him off. If things were fine now there wasn't a need to contact Zolya anymore. He waited for the man to awkwardly leave before the fields of energy that had been around Umbri dissipated with a thought. It took a few hesitant moments before doing the same for Jemma. Shit that was probably going to be noticed. a pang of guilt coiled in his chest. [color=deepskyblue][b]"We're all good here."[/b][/color] Noting Umbri's growing hunger. Alex pulled a bag of dried fruit, granola, and his water thermos seemingly out of nowhere and set them in front of her before going to retrieve the sandwich. His nerves still somewhat on edge screaming that he had to be ready in case something went wrong. All these emotional highs and lows were getting exhausting. Alex wasn't aware of the red, blue and green flickering that sparked off of him as he left the room. Trying not to rush in a way that would make his footsteps loud, Alex returned to deliver Umbri the rest of her food before resting in a hardlight chair that formed beneath him once more. He took up as relaxed a posture as he could. Thankful that his helmet kept his gaze obscured as it flicked between Jemma and Umbri every few seconds. [color=deepskyblue][b]"Sooo . . . can't say i understand any of what just happened, but everything's all good now yeah?"[/b][/color] There was an internal wince as a shred of worry made his voice a little less sure then he wanted it.