Location Maison d’Violette 10.00hrs. [hr] [@Click This][@AzureKnight][@VitaVitaAR][@Pyromania99] [i]Bonk[/i] This time, a swift knuckle was delivered to the top of Katherine’s head from Mari, the head maid frowning intensely at the Firbolgs usual antics. “Pardon for taking something from Tiki’s playbook, I know this is your usual hazing but please save it for until after business…or I will have to report this to her Ladyship once again and I doubt you want your punishment extended.” She adjusted her glasses. “As Lucrecia said, we must now be on our way. Lady Fiore has decided to entrust our next major operation to you all.” Mariarca turned to leave. Her heel however, decided it was a good idea to get caught on the edge of her slightly too long dress. She stumbled forward, but without missing a single instance would quickly recover, merely adjusting her glasses and smoothly continuing as though nothing happened. Only a quick glance to make sure the other maids also saw nothing before continuing on her way. The tour over, being properly dressed, and now having a basic understanding of at least the general maid operations they were led to where lady Fiore was waiting. As they filed in one by one, Lady fiore silently would look over all of them, quietly drinking a cup of tea prepared by her personal maid - Nynette who was eyeing all the maids with a bit of cold indifference. Mariarca would indicate that they should stand in a line near the door as Lyssa was the last one to shuffle in behind everyone else. “...Good to see you’re adjusting well, Eliz. I’d ask if there were any problems but that can wait until after our discussion here.” Livia would begin, setting her teacup on the table in front of her. “And first, let me congratulate you all on a job well done. I realize that we did not complete all of our objectives such as finding why and how these demons showed up and we could not rescue the infiltration team, but you admirably saved the citizens and for that many people can rest easy and have their loved ones saved. We have another ground team doing some investigating along with the Oros Knights to try and determine the cause of all of this. Which means right now, we’re merely waiting for the results of this investigation to pursue this incident further. In the mean time, though, Mari?” The head maid would flip through some files, pulling a newspaper and a written report of another team of Maids success in what seemed to be busting an underground smuggling and auction house that dealt in shady and demonic objects. “Last night, a squad of maids raided an Underground Auction and smuggling ring.” Mariarca began speaking to the gathered maids as she’d finish passing out the reports. “We managed to shut it down before most of the artifacts both holy and demonic were sold. We returned the holy items to the church and the demonic ones have been dealt with by us,” Flipping to another report on the page, Mariarca continued. “Except one, arguably the most dangerous item in the Auction. An Idol which was used to house a very dangerous demon hundreds of years ago. It was purchased by a one Lord Loeth Havershel who is like any fool who thinks they can handle demons-’ “Ahem.” “...Y-you not withstanding my lady.” Mariarca quickly interjected. “He Has decided to hold a ball to show off his purchase. We’ll be moving to…reacquire it.”