A time of peace in Deilia after a decade in turmoil and conflict. With most of the countries and city states changed for the better and the greatest threat the world defeated, places like Gwangju were finally a place someone would be proud to call home. It almost seemed like a decade since that fateful day the heroes felled the dragon and in doing so defeated the cult that had followed and the loss of their dear friend who had brought them all together. Consumed with sorrow, they disbanded leaving the world without its stalwart protectors and to its fate should another threat arise and arise it did. Three days had passed after the heroes unexpected and unwarranted encounter with an old enemy masquerading as a storyteller. What the goal was of getting the heroes to talk about themselves is unknown and perhaps better left that way, yet the inquiry had been raised. Was it really the adversary they thought long since defeated, could it be a pseudo group posing as them. Whatever it was, it did not bode well for our heroes, who can say what they were up to, what they were trying to accomplish. What mattered was that the heroes dealt with it now before they became a threat. A message was sent out to everyone about the recent events insisting that they meet up. A task easier said than done with the heroes scattered throughout the lands, not to mention wounds of the past and many more still fresh in their minds.