There was something remarkably stubborn about someone who’d risk fracturing their hands upon a tree with such forceful punches. It was that sort of bravado that sent young men to their graves, the sort of silliness that would see people toss everything away for a beautiful, but empty, promise. His other injuries weren’t even taken care of either. What was the point of adding on further injury? …oh dear. Was that how it was? Esfir side-eyed Akeno, allowed the others to come to the obvious conclusion that nothing passively protective could be made out of what they were fundamentally turning into food. Lazash seemed to have some experience, but simply put, the armor that they made would be little better than rags if they didn’t have the privileges of tools and time. And while the information that the runt shared was useful, at the same time, she wasn’t wholly blind to how Lazash was quietly, casually, eating all the least edible parts of the Elwets’ body. Certainly, there was nothing to be done with scales mangled by teeth, nothing to be done with bones cracked to bits for the marrow inside. Wouldn’t even make for soup stock now. It was intentional then, that when the Elwets cooked fully, the gamey stench of a violent death giving way to a pungent, hot aroma, Esfir divvied up the meat in a curious way. Equal parts between herself, Grunthor, and Akeno. Less for Lazash, accounting for what she ate prior. [b]“We equally eat, until we form an idea of how much it takes to [i]digest[/i],”[/b] she said. [b]“After that, gather up what useful stuff there is, and we’ll head to the caves to do our [i]jobs[/i].”[/b] There were antlers to sharp, stones to be tested. Even those foul-smelling berries may have some promise. She would dry them out by the fire, maybe crush them into powder afterwards. Her nose was sharper than she last remembered, but predators’ senses were sharper still. For now though? [b]“Enjoy your meal.”[/b] She would eat. [sub][@Kazemitsu][@King Cosmos][@Crusader Lord][/sub]