Ray looked to the bed silently before giving a small nod, walking over to the bed as she moved to hop up slowly. "Can I have a glass of water?" She asked quietly, she felt a bubble of darkness around her as her shadow seemed to move. Sara had put her mug into the sink as she left the staffroom, she needed to find Marc. She scoured the main rooms with narrowed eyes. "What are you doing?" Another nurse asked with a raised eyebrow, causing Sara to flinch and turn around with a small smile. "I saw Marcs' name on the roster, I was wondering here he was?" She said with a grin. The other Nurse watched her carefully before narrowing his eyes. "He's looking for Benjamin, he's missing from the head nurses call." [i]Oh no.[/i] Sara thought to herself, before she smiled to the other nurse and headed off towards Benjamins' room in a brisk walk.