Since it's been a couple weeks since the defeat of Consul P and we are not leaving the Home of Tears yet, I figured it might be a good idea to draft some quests (available via any [url=]commissions board[/url] found in the city) that members of Purple Team could use to occupy their time. Take a look: [hider=Home of Tears Commissions][list][*][b]Flukewarm Reception[/b] - The loathsome Fluke clan has always eked out a living in the bowels of the Royal Waterways, parasitizing the Home of Tears and its people for food. Left alone for so long, they've been multiplying unchecked, and are now spilling out of the sewers in greater numbers to infest city buildings and endanger its people. The City Mermaid Corps needs someone able to reach and open the Royal Sluice to flush them out so we can clean up the rest. Extra reward offered for each proof of Fluke slain - First Officer Lobster Siren, CMC [*][b]Beyond One's Station[/b] - There have been several reported cases of missing travelers in King's Station recently. As much as Chief Undine wants to handle it herself, there's too much going on for us to dispatch a force there based on rumor. However, if a small team can thoroughly investigate it and report on the danger, we would be willing to compensate you for your time - First Officer Lobster Siren, CMC [*][b]Bank Run MMDXIII[/b] - As always, we're recruiting for the weekly Bank Run. Untold riches await, so long as you can brave its dangers--and stay one step ahead of your competition! Keep in mind that you owe us 25% of everything you collect, but the rest is yours to keep. Stay alert for Ultra Greed, Goldo Golderson, and Fafnir as usual, and remember: if the teller asks, we're there to resolve the security breach! - Mammon, Avarice Holdings LLC [*][b]Help Urgently Cnided[/b] - Rain hasn't been the only thing falling from Ash Lake recently. An entire swarm of Cnideria got sucked down through the cracks in the lakebed and rained down all over the Collection today! They're big, gooey, and very toxic; a single stung can induce enough torpor to knock someone out, so the outdoor market is in chaos. The CMC plans to dispose of them, but I need as much toxin as I can get for my potions and medicines! Gather as many as possible without knocking yourself out, and I'll reward you with magic spells, items, and elixirs - Sophie the Witch [*][b]Cheesed to Meet You[/b] - Our workforce in Crumble Caverns is understaffed and we're unable to meet quotas. We're looking for additional contractors for procurement and protection of High-Quality Cheese - Mr Pinch [*][b]Meat: We'll Beat it Together[/b] - We still need volunteers to help deal with the flesh that's starting growing through the cavern wall from the Womb lately. It'll be easy, barring any unexpected parasites, but tedious. Compensation based on hours labored. BBQ will be provided, and for the last time, the rumors that we're feeding you 'wall meat' are baseless and unfounded - Foreman Luggs [*][b]Project Evening[/b] - Both of my usual helpers called in sick today. Given my duties at the clinic during the day, there are just too many children for me to handle at the Orphanage in the evening all by myself. I need help to take care of them, even just one more pair of hands would do. This involves basic lessons, keeping them company, dinnertime, playtime, and bedtime. Volunteers would need to be good with kids, cannot be too scary-looking, and cannot be humans. I don't have much, but I'll repay you however I can - Dr. Natasha[/list][/hider]