Oh. That… works? She hadn't expected it to work, honestly. Like, if you're going to memorize a disclaimer about how friendship is not available for six to eight weeks, depending on cloning time--to the point that you can recite it on demand, underwater, while tying up your victim--you'd think you'd be less flexible than "Yeah, sure." Not that she's complaining! It's. Well, it's honestly a relief! She's still trapped in a situation that's spiraled [i]laughably[/i] quickly out of her control, soon to be in one where she's entirely removed from any resources she has [i]now,[/i] which, to add up, sum total negative one clothes, negative two veils, negative twelve servitors, but positive one crystal dragon best friend.. Neutral? Has not gained, but also has not lost. Positive, definitely positive. Positive by virtue of the sucking gape that negative would be. "Oh hey, d'you mind if we stop by my place before we leave the planet? Need to pick up some things before I leave." Gotta say it before the thought goes away. It'd suck majorly to remember as you're leaving the planet the one--okay, several dozen--things you want to take with you, which somehow you do not think to pack when you're leaving to visit a friend who shares cat pictures with you a lifetime ago. Is that what the other Azura use their flocks of gear-carrying servitors for? Just to make sure that you have your couch on the off-chance you need to flee the planet with your entire house under your arms? That's smarter than she'd given them credit for--mostly she'd just seen them carrying art supplies or files or massive blocks of marble. God, she almost went to the spaceport without her couch. Buck naked too, but focus on the important things, like, you know, keeping your captor sweet. "Never had the privilege, honestly. Or a Ceronian vessel, which I gather are kind of similar? Or is that a bad assumption to make? You're scaled down from them, right? But is the culture different? Do you have a shogun of your own? Does that get you in trouble with the Shogun-Shogun? What kind of mercenary work have you done? What makes you unique relative to other ship cultures?" Keep them occupied, too. People love talking about themselves, right?