Yes. They are from the parallel world called Terra Firma. That is where we are heading now. I will give you the whole timeline because you will get it anyways. [hider=My Hider] A long time ago 2025 to be exact, there was a war on Earth. Many terrible things were used for this war. Nuclear bombs, Mustard Gas, Flame Throwers, Barb wire through fencing, Nerve Gas,Psychomimetic agent ( Also known as psychedelics, psychotomimetics, or entheogens, hallucinogens) even toxins and those that caused bleeding blisters. Many rockets were used to send people off of Earth. The wealthy were able to go due to the fact that it cost to get on the rockets. Only one rocket hit the black hole to the Parallel Planet called Terra Firma. The land was a wondrous land, full of magic and healing. The wealthy did bring a few to serve them in the custom that they were used to. Yet it took everyone of them to build the first homes. They ended up equal socially for there was no one to impress. People began to study Magic. Some died and some lived. Each death was mourned and served as a lesson of what not to do. People began to get really good over the years and began taking up a title such as wizard or mage among the many titles. Human nature being as it is, one person tried to show that he or she was better than the next person.Years went by and it grew to be worse even though people were often at the same level of magic. Until…… The Sorcerers and Mages were not at all agreeing with each other. In fact, each one claim to be the higher rank than the other. Yet both ranks had the same responsibilities and Magick capability. The Magick world had a free learning ability or anyone that was skilled enough could do any spell, incantation or transformation with no prior training. This resulted in a lot of Sorcerers and Mages become ‘brain dead’. They could only function as a normal human being and barely that. Many other Sorcerers and Mages were killed by not understanding the risks involving the magic that they were doing. Both ranks were getting very agitated until two Sorcerers and Mages called a double duel to the death of one side or the other. The match was set up and many payed to see it- the money going to the winners or winner if that was the case. During that match, one of them called out a foul and that was when things got out of hand. The foul didn’t matter because it was a battle to the death. Arguing broke out and within the hour, all of the Mages, the Sorcerers and the spectators were in a battle resulting a few deaths. The fight was finally broke up by security and everyone grumbled all the way home. The money was picked up by the security officer in charge to pay off damages that had occurred. The Mage and Sorcerer that were left from the duel wanted it as their own prize money. Once more a fight broke out over the money and who got the lion’s share. Over the next several months fights broke out in pockets then all went into a peaceful silence between the two ranks. That peace didn’t even last a week. This time it was an all out war between the two ranks. People were frightened into hiding. They took what they could and retrieved what food they could find. Everything was rationed between the those who were in hiding. Even the use of Magick was rationed. Anyone that was using Magick that was deemed unnecessary would be put to Death. While many refrain from using Magick, some still did but only enough to release the pent up Magick that was building from nonuse. If one did not use their Magick, it would build up and explode inside causing Spontaneous Explosion. This war lasted too long yet not all that long as wars go but by the end of the second month, the Sorcerers went into hiding as hermits. A vague attempt to preserve their kind. The Wizards and Wizardesses gathered together to discuss what to do and how to reestablish Society into a better World. They were tired not just not physically and magically but emotionally was well. They are now the willing leading Magic Users who will decide the future. They went into a retreat where they began recovering and discussing the possibilities of a new Ranking System. They were considered the Powers That Be or PTB. Unknown to those who were battling, the Magick was strewn all over the lands, leaving thriving bits here and there. These bits gathered together to form a canine of Magick. It was rogue or unpredictable magic. There was no rhyme or reason for the combinations of magic bits. Nothing fit together properly. In fact, the Magick in that had gathered in that creature was arcing every which way for the bits of Magick did not flow but fought among themselves. Hence the name of Arkie for the creature. Not only the Arkie was formed during this battle, the stray bits of Magick combined and found a host such as a bird, dog or cat. That creature would soon show that it was now Magickal as well. The Mages had their hands full and the leadership was up to the Wizards and Wizardesses while the few Mages and Sorcerers hid to lick their wounds and reorganize. With everyone hidden away, the Wizards and Wizardesses had to not only feed the people but also had to control and ‘unweave’ the Arkies as they came across them. They worked hard to gather what artifacts they could so that the artifacts could be sealed away for the future use. Now with the major and larger magic artifacts put away, smaller and overlooked ones can be hunted down. That is when the Quest and Adventure Academy was born. A Head Master was appointed to an area of land and that Head Master would oversee the training of the Magic Users in his or her area. To avoid further such wars, A new Ranking system was made. It consisted of various Guilds where similar careers were grouped together into s club type group. Each Guild had an elected Master then Head Masters would govern over the training per the Master of the Guild. All went well until 3 med who were former Sorcerers, decided that they should be in charge. Their names just happened to be Paul, Thomas and Brian. They experimented and made chemical bombs to bring people to their knees. They read the old books on warfare to get this idea and more for they made a disease as well. The first set of bombs were Red Bomb which was a acidic oil bomb that has the ability to burn the skin right down to the bones. The wind carried this one quickly but soon dissipated in the air. Once it was one the ground, it burned the ground and anyone it touched. The second set of bombs were Yellow ones and was full of an old disease called Wasting Away Sickness (we would call it dysentery Wasting Away Disease is where a person could not hold anything down or inside or have an appetite at all. Many times the person had to be force fed in order to survive. It lasts about 6-12 months. Those who came down with it were on a Liquid Restriction. It was the survival of the fittest. The Black one was the slowest and the most deadliest. It seeped into every pore of every being- human, creature, plant and tree. It was also known as Black Bomb of Death. It was a very fine misty powder that covers everything. Usually, when it got into a person's lungs, it was the end of the person's life. It would kill everything it touches- man, beast and vegetation. Years passed and everyone but a few groups of people died. They knew that the land had taken the biggest impact and there were still patches of the bombs remnants about. They built small rocket pods that would possibly give a few children the chance for survival. They gave some sleeping medicines to the children ages 5 and under then placed them in the pods. Hey launched each pod off as soon as possible for the best reaults. That is when Gus and Bess were strapped in the pod along with books. They reached Earth and were adopted out to 2 families. They grew up and they knew about their past. That will bring us to where we are now. [/hider]