[b][h2][color=889194]Captain Argus Fellborn[/color][/h2][/b] By the time the pirate had arrived, the beasts had already begun to break into the houses. This wasn't good- these humans wouldn't last very long cornered in their home. Just what had gotten into these monsters anyway, he wondered. The cause was irrelevant. All that mattered now was keeping as many of the warm blood-bags alive as possible. Fortunately, he wasn't going to do this alone. Argus spotted a woman attired in a rather out-of-place nun's habit exiting a building, accompanied by a small pack of gorebats. Another child of Ichor, no doubt. He would need to speak to her after this was over, but there wasn't any time for that at the moment. Argus drew his sword and dashed after a beast that he spotted making its way into a building, slicing through any of the creatures that might have been in his way. The vampire raised his cutlass and whether or not the beast turned around upon hearing the vampire's footsteps, the blade would be swung with the intention to decapitate. So much blood...yet it was no doubt tainted and impure. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99]