[Center][img]https://content-cdn.dingenvoorvrouwen.nl/2018/02/Maan.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/pLFYjB8.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Location:[/b] [i]Appartment 4B. Sadie's and Ember's apartment.[/i] [b]Interactions:[/b] Sadie [@Sailorsadie], Christian [@wolflover], [b]Mentions: [/b]Rhys [@Pyxis], Angel [@Pyxis], Isabelle [@LostDestiny][/center][hr] Ember had laughed at Sadie and her liquor bottles. She wasn't surprised. While Ember wasn't a drinker, she'd definitely appreciate something stronger tonight to keep her nerves in check. After taking in a deep breath, Ember ensured her hair was sitting well, and received a peck on the cheek from Sadie. [color=E59866]"Love you too, Sades."[/color] She couldn't express how much she appreciated her friend right now, but she had a feeling Sadie knew in any case. What would she do without her? Ember followed in after the hyperactive blonde and found herself looking around Christian's apartment. She smiled softly to herself. It was exactly how she imagined it would be. While he was her newly acquired gym buddy, she had never found her way into his apartment before. [color=lightcoral]"Guys, this is my girl Ember. Embs, you know Christain and Rhys. That's Jasmine and Isabelle and Angel."[/color] The nervous woman swallowed as she let her eyes glide over the people in the room, landing on Rhys first. She flashed him a smile, feeling comfortable that she had another person to talk to whom she knew. She'd defiantly talk to him a bit. Then, she left her eyes go over to Jasmine and Isablle. She'd seen Jasmine before, Christian talked about her, but she had never really interacted with her. Still, she looked like they would be able to get along great. Isabelle was her roommate, that's how much she knew from Sades and Christian. With a small wave from her free hand, Ember spoke. [color=E59866]"Hey guys, thank you for inviting me."[/color] She said to the group that had gathered. Turning, she let her eyes fall on the last woman in the room. She was confused for a moment, she hadn't heard of an 'Angel' before, but then she remembered Rhys talking about her. Right, Rhy's roommate. Lili.. something? She looked a bit intimidating, but Ember also flashed her a smile. Remembering the items in her hand, she walked forward to the kitchen and placed the containers there. Looking at Chris, she said [color=E59866]"Brought some small things."[/color] Everything else that was standing there was much more elaborate, and Ember eyed the good food, and what seemed like guacamole with chips. Her food suddenly seemed very underrated. So this was an American Thanksgiving potluck, huh? Hey eyes went over Sadei's numerous bottles, and the other food. She spotted the soju, and smiled. She did drink [i]that.[/i] The Dutch woman's stomach made a loud noise, but thankfully, Christian was starting the meal. A soft chuckle left her when Christian mentioned his cooking smells. It had been torture, but looking in front of her, Ember could see that it was worth it. She took place next to Sadie, before raising her glass at Christian's speech. Deciding to be bold, she spoke over the table to Christian. [color=E59866]"This looks amazing, all of it. Thank you for doing the most of it, Chris. And I cannot wait to try the rest, too."[/color] She ended with looking at the people around the table.