[h2]Present Time[/h2] Jacob noticed the younger girl's actions and turned to smile and wave at Suzi. He was about to say something when something [i]changed[/i] in the air. There was a loud [i]crack[/i], and the air became heavy. Meramon and Clockmon both once again took on a fighting stance and moved to be on either side of the group of humans, ready to fight to protect them. Jacob's face instantly darkened, and he swiped a card through his Expanse Caller, summoning [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon-tamers/images/1/1d/Monodramon.jpg]a purple digimon[/url] from the air next to him. "What's going on?" Lily asked, clearly frightened. Wormmon moved closer to her, ready to protect her. The purple digimon, Monodramon, spoke to Jacob, "Again? I thought we took care of this!" [color=00a651]"So did I!"[/color] The boy looked at the other humans and digimon. An unknown Navi, a BlackAgumon, an Agumon, and a Veemon, plus his own partner. He didn't like their chances. Even if the others could digivolve, which based on Aki's statements he doubted, he also didn't think that the other humans had any chips or cards ready to fight with. So he did what he felt was the responsible thing to do, and turned towards the two Adult Digimon. [color=00a651]"Hey, can you two get everyone out of here!? Preferably quickly!"[/color] Meramon turned towards the boy and replied, "I can't do much, but I'll fight to protect you all!" It was Clockmon that came forward with a solution. "I... I can send some of them away. You said there's a discrepancy of three days, right? I can send three of you back, back three days. Any more than that, any more of you sent, and further back, and we'll have trouble." Hideaki, the boy summoned by Lily's wish, and his two partners turned and gave a thumbs up to the other humans. "I'll stay. We can handle whatever's coming, no worries," he said with a grin. He saw the end of the fight earlier, he knew that the others wouldn't be able to fight again so quickly. That left Aki, Suzy, Lily, and Octavia. But before the other three could respond, Lily went to Suzy's side and slipped the Wish Card into her hand. As she backed up, she spoke to Clockmon. "I-I'll stay! I have a wish, if things get too bad... So take the others back!" Jacob, as well as the two Adult Digimon, were impressed with the young girl's courage. Meramon picked up the unconscious adult man and went to Lily's side. Clockmon was about to object, but another cracking sound rang out through the area, and it acquiesced. As the hands on its face began to spin backwards, the last thing the three other girls would see was [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ek59-9qVMAIC3gN.jpg]a large shadow[/url] appearing over the horizon... [hr] [h2]Three Days Prior[/h2] Daniel Davis awoke to the sound of static filling the air. In his dominant hand was a small box, and on his other wrist was a strange device. It shone pink, a wide brace going underneath it around his forearm, the brace being about two inches from front to back and about half an inch thick. On top of this brace was a rectangular machine that looked quite similar to his Omniphone, though the screen was flat and there were new additions to its hardware. These additions came in the form of what appeared to be a card scanner on the side facing away from his body and five small slots at the top of the screen, near his wrist, which had coverings which slid over them to protect them. The screen displayed the words "Expanse Caller" in text the color of the device with a small circle cycling below and a slowly filling bar at the very bottom of it. On the underside of the brace was [url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimages1.wikia.nocookie.net%2F__cb20100126205009%2Fdigimon%2Fimages%2Fd%2Fd4%2FSymbol_of_Digital_Hazard.png&f=1&nofb=1]a symbol[/url] etched into the machine's brace. After a few moments, the screen on his arm began to change, the bar filling and new information replacing the text. This would take the form of a new, larger bar and two smaller ones below it as well as the word "Initializing" above them. In front of Daniel's eyes came a small hologram, tinted pink with text of a darker shade, displaying the word "Welcome" and showing a slowly filling bar that matched the largest of the device on their wrist. This hologram took up roughly a fourth of his vision; it was always visible but not so obtrusive as to block anything he could see. Next to the smaller bars were two symbols. The upper of the two showed what appeared to be a golden ring, and the lower bar showed a heart-shaped symbol in a circle. While the lower two bars continued filling slowly, the uppermost largest bar filled rather quickly, taking only about fifteen seconds. Upon completion it would disappear only to be replaced with the words "Babel Program Initialized". Regardless of which language he spoke, Daniel would now hear all languages as his own, allowing for communication with anyone on earth. After noticing this, Daniel took in his surroundings, only to find that behind him was a large dome of white hexagons. It was a ways in the distance, and through the top of it was the upper part of what appeared to be a cellphone or radio tower. The dome stretched a kilometer in diameter, with the tower in the center, though Daniel could only guess at its size. As he looked at it, the bars in his vision finished filling, and the hologram in his vision split to reveal [url=http://digimonrevolution.pbworks.com/f/Salamon.jpg]a strange creature[/url] and [url=http://pm1.narvii.com/6616/d56f8cd7a5810d7a990ae960a7c40a8a747a515e_00.jpg]what appeared to be a woman in pink[/url]. At the same time that these two became visible, the hexagons faded away to reveal three human girls standing near the tower... Aki, Lily, and Octavia now found themselves back where they started when they first awoke in this world, though now they seemed to be alone and the boxes from before were nowhere to be seen. Their own holographic visions would show their partners safe and sound, though still in the last stages of recovering from the battle, for those that took part in it. There was no indication that the virus or its lesser comrades were nearby. All seemed quiet for now. Were Daniel to look in the box in his hand, he would find 10 blank Capture Chips and 10 blank Capture Cards.