There we go, and with that IC post, I tip my hat and politely excuse myself from this RP. As it seems several of you have expressed disapproval and discontent with my presence in the RP, me and Paul discussed the matter and came to the conclusion that me leaving this RP is probably for the best. I'm a firm believer that RP'ing should primarily be fun and enjoyed by those involved, and if someone or something is diminishing or preventing that enjoyment, then that's not a good thing. So, if I'm the cause of people not having fun, then obviously I need to do something about that. Selfishly staying put and causing others to be silently irate isn't something I think is very cool, hence why I decided to bow out. I'd like to apologize to [@PaulHaynek] for the additional stress and complications my presence have caused. I'd also like to apologize to the rest of you for the awkwardness, drama and irritation my joining this RP brought along. I personally had fun with this RP as long as it lasted, and I hope you all keep having a good time after I'm gone. I wish you all the best, good luck and to have fun. :) P.S. Feel free to do whatever with my characters as well. P.P.S. Liliana best girl.