[hider=Tyrant in Splendour] [url=https://youtu.be/8Kt1dQoN5ME][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ac11deb4-0aac-46b9-b093-d8acf96bcbac.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Name:[/b] OPHANIM (traditionally written in allcaps, think “the LORD”; not an acronym) [b]Epithets:[/b] Divine Beyond; Lord of Hosts; Shroud of Heaven; Beacon of Salvation; Perfector; Tyrant in Splendour; etc [b]Age:[/b] ~2000 years [b]Home-Plane:[/b] The plane of OPHANIM, once a medieval fantasy archetype, was conquered and utterly reshaped within mere centuries of its manifestation, and now lies permanently bathed in searing light. Its inhabitants, once human, orc, and elf, are now – better. Tall, crystalline, polygonal, featureless, identical humanoids populate land, sea, and sky, pursuing no purpose but their faith. Idolatry is a capital sin. Doubt is a capital sin. Freedom is a capital sin. Only the sinful know death in its eternal embrace. [b]Description:[/b] It may manifest as a large, symmetrically faced, androgynous humanoid in white, otherwise superficially resembling nearby mortals; a searing yellow or white glow with no source; or a wheel of perpetual flame laced with never-blinking, never-still, bloodshot eyes. When humanoid, its eyes are never visible. The stories say that they glow so brightly that they instantly incinerate the evil. Stories that are never told in OPHANIM’s realm debate the meaning of evil in this case. OPHANIM is fierce, commanding, and fanatically stubborn, as if relentlessly following the commandments of a twisted holy book never written. It never raises its voice, but its voice is said to boom exactly as loudly as it needs to, even if that is loud enough to bring a forest to knee. [b]Backstory:[/b] OPHANIM may be recognized as an archetype that appears in stories across many shards, but its tale is true in only one. The stories follow similar basic premises: the road to hell, and you know the rest. Sometimes it is a king. Sometimes it is an adventurer. Rarely, it is an angel – perhaps you’ve heard of Lucifer. In no telling is it known as what it is: an utterly inhuman elder spirit obsessed by the trappings of divinity. There were never good intentions. The Shard was taken like every sealed treasure of OPHANIM’s world; a vault was found, followers commanded to gather as a flock and retrieve it. Traps and enchantments were shoved aside with force of numbers. Only the sinful died in that crusade. Do not doubt this. [b]Shard:[/b] The Book of Perfect Light is kept in OPHANIM’s possession at all times. The Book of Perfect Light is said to contain the whole of OPHANIM’s doctrines, written plain. The contents of the Book of Perfect Light have never been read by any mortal being. The Book of Perfect Light is [b]not[/b] full of often incoherent, wholly self-contradictory dictates writ tightly in a script only OPHANIM can comprehend. Do not doubt this. [b]Powers:[/b] OPHANIM’s power is broad, but relies universally on faith and followers. Its golden-tongued missionaries shout its truth from the mountains, and listeners are taken by the unnatural draw held by its arbitrary doctrine. Its faith is intransigent. Its followers worship madly and fervently in pursuit of mutually exclusive visions of paradise, and at the peak of their faith, when a village, city, continent shouts its name in unison, OPHANIM drinks of their love, and rebuilds them into something without it. In those parts of Creation it has reached into and perfected, its power is like a god's. Shrieking streaks of light erupt from the temples built in its name to shatter the armies of the as-yet unfaithful. Its perfected followers are nearly as vicious, their form beyond pain, beyond fear and doubt, beyond hunger and thirst, and beyond what most beings would call morality. [hider=OOC/TLDR]Eldritch thing with a Biblical(ly accurate)/divine light theme. Drastically more powerful and versatile in places where it is worshipped. Its religion is unnaturally alluring, compensating for the fact that a critical eye would realize it’s an insane totalitarian. It seizes absolute control of its most devoted followers down to shaping their body and soul into its uniform vision of perfection.[/hider] [b]Misc:[/b] A playable entity in the superbly obscure indie game Shadows of Forbidden Gods. This iteration makes a lot of extrapolations from a character that had precious little actual character. I hope this counts as original. [/hider]