[CENTER][hr][/center][sup][h1][center][img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/e/e5/Parker_Industries_%28Earth_616%29_Logo_from_Amazing_Spider_Man_Vol_4_3_001.jpg/[/img][/center][b][center][color=black] S P I D E R - M A N[/color] [color=ed1c24]S P I D E R - M A N[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup][indent][sub][COLOR=ed1c24][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] Oscorp HQ[/sub][sup][right][COLOR=ed1c24][b]Post #2:[/b][/COLOR] Turnabout Is Fair Play[/right][/sup][/indent][hr] Norman sat in his office, phone pressed against his ear. [color=8dc73f]"Don't worry, Rob, i've got this... Hey, i understand perfectly, you've got a lot on your plate, but i'm here because limp-dick pissants like Creed and Krane have let you down FAR too many times before... Look, my 3:55 just showed up early, but trust me, we're gonna be laughing about this when we're in the Oval Office sipping whiskey together... Ok, bye."[/color] The moment Norman hung up, the smile on his face instantly disolved into his usual cold, emotionless, calculating face. [color=8dc73f]"Officious little bureaucrat."[/color] He growled under his breath as he took a sip of Whiskey. Due to the Goblin Metabolism, it was pretty much impossible to get drunk, but he needed the taste in his mouth at the moment. Washing away the taste of defeat. It had been over a year and STILL, Parker had his grandson, almost a third of his companys wealth and his happy little family and here Norman sat, his fate was entirely reliant on a combination of word of Senator Kelly (Who he didn't trust) and the the stupidity of the American public (Which he trusted VERY much) A knock came at the door. His advanced hearing had allowed him to hear the heavy footsteps even when on the phone to Kelly. [color=8dc73f]"Yes, come in."[/color] The door opened and Mac walked in. [color=598527]"Hey, boss-"[/color] Mac began, but was interrupted by Norman. [color=8dc73f]"I was in a call with someone very important."[/color] Norman scolded in his dark and commanding way. Mac stopped dead in his tracks. [color=598527]"Oh, sorry, boss."[/color] He stammered out. Mac was an unstoppable killing machine in a suit of nearly indestructible power armour and yet Norman still scared the bejesus out of him. [color=8dc73f]"Well, you're here now, what is it?"[/color] Norman sighed, swirling his whisky around the glass to lower the temperature as it splashed off of the ice-cube in the middle, before taking another sip. [color=598527]"I, uhhh... I got a call from Parker."[/color] He scratched the back of his head. Norman didn't seem to register this, slowly spinning his chair around to look out of the window. [color=598527]"Said he was looking for someone with my specific skill set for something he was workin' on. You want me to take him up on it? Get some info from the inside?"[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Using your brain? How unlike you."[/color] Norman spat out. Mac clenched his fist at this response. He was sick of people treating him like a dumb animal. Norman, as if sensing that he had struck a nerve, span back around in his chair with a big, cheery smile on his face. [color=8dc73f]"Kidding."[/color] He said, throwing his arms wide. Frankly the smile scared Mac even more than the scowl had. [color=8dc73f]"Mac, i appreciate the sentiment, but i already have a guy on the inside who is getting me as much info on Parker's movements as i need. And it would look rather suspicious if you just up-sticks and join him without a fight. Look, buddy, i need you here."[/color] Once again, Mac was getting a little scared with how polite and friendly Norman was being. [color=8dc73f]"In any case, that little thing on your leg is a stamp of ownership as far as the New York Supreme Court is concerned. Your parole is entirely based on you working your debt to society off in my care. Even if i was certain i had the political clout to get you transfered to Parker's care, he'd never trust that i let you go so easily. No, my friend, your place is here. Call him back, tell him as such, feel free to insult him, but make it clear exactly where you stand. Parker will feel more secure knowing where you are and i want him feeling as safe as possible at this very second."[/color] [color=598527]"The old "False sense of security" thing, right boss?"[/color] Mac asked. Norman finished his drink before putting it on the table and letting out the signature "Whiskey wheeze" as it burned his throat on the way down, but in all of the most pleasant ways. [color=8dc73f]"Very good, you're learning."[/color] Norman laughed. Mac pretended to laugh, but he definitely knew Norman meant that and he had been a private detective long enough to know that Norman knew and didn't care that the laugh was fake. Because what choice did he have? It was be in Normans pocket or be in jail. [color=8dc73f]"Anyway, I have a little something for you."[/color] Norman said, reaching under his desk for a briefcase, he pulled it out and slid it across the desk to Mac [color=8dc73f]"A little trump card for when you inevitably come to blows with Spider-Man next."[/color] Mac popped the clips on the brief case before opening it and looking inside, his eyes lit up with pure awe and excitement. [color=8dc73f]"We good?"[/color] Norman smiled a sinister smile. [color=598527]"Oh yeah, boss, WE are VERY good."[/color] Mac laughed.