[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/calligraphy-fonts/] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230513/c12f2317aee33129a65f01ef0484f814.png[/img][/url] [img]https://img.wattpad.com/1c42b1cdcb93971f8c2c907dc10fb9ede11d8a1b/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f7759645872676e5931745f7679513d3d2d3531323433303732362e313534643635653163356438663036343835363938373239323636352e676966[/img] [/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent] Summer in New York was always so unbearable. It wasn't that Priya hated it. It was her home, after all. She was glad to see her parents, or at least what little time she had with them. Her mother, exhausted from running as many shifts as she could, was saving up to retire early. Her father, on the other hand, was simply tired and saw driving her to Edgebaston Academy as just another chore. Their dynamic was an odd one, but the duo was so consumed by their own circles that they never questioned it. For most of the summer, Priya had spent her time volunteering at her old acting school, the one she used to attend after regular school hours during middle school. Before she knew it, the summer had come to an end. All she really wanted was to leave the city and get back to North Carolina. She longed for the fresh air, open spaces, and the nearby sea breeze that occasionally wafted over the campus. Edgebaston Academy had become her sanctuary since her freshman year, when she had earned an acting scholarship that allowed her to attend. The campus boasted some of the best performing arts facilities she had ever seen, and Priya couldn't wait to return to the stage and showcase her talent once more. Finally, the day arrived when Priya's father reluctantly drove her to Edgebaston Academy. His weariness showed in his eyes as he maneuvered through the bustling New York streets and out onto the interstate. Priya understood that he wasn't emotional about her leaving; it was simply the fatigue and the feeling that this was just another task on his long list of responsibilities. If anything was just an inconvenience. As they pulled up to the imposing iron gates of the school, Priya's heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She stepped out of the car, her gaze fixed on the grand entrance of Edgebaston Hall. The building stood tall, emanating a sense of history and tradition. It was here she was greeted by the sight of Alistair LeRue and Marabeth. She could already tell this was going to be tense. Her father helped unload her luggage, a heavy silence hanging between them. Without a word, he nodded to her, conveying his unspoken message: [i]"Make the most of this opportunity, Priya. Work hard, follow your dreams, and don't let anything or anyone hold you back."[/i] He meant well, even if he was self-centered. Priya nodded in understanding, her eyes filled with gratitude. She hugged her father tightly, cherishing this brief moment of connection before he retreated back to the car. With a deep breath, Priya turned to face the entrance of Edgebaston Academy. She ducked away around Alistair, avoiding his gaze while giving Marabeth a quick wave. After successfully avoiding a free mockery from Al, she made her way over to Edgebaston Hall. Unlike most of the seniors, she couldn’t exactly afford anything on the fourth floor, and ended up spending her entire school life in the same dorm room: 111. Entering her dorm room she took a moment to breathe in and take in the scent. It had been cleaned that was for sure, but she could still smell the slight lingering scent of some of her perfumes from last year. It was bringing back memories for the past year at the school: The countless hours she spent here practicing her lines and her parts. Closing the door she would place her bags down at the end of the bed and lay back on the bed, letting the yet to be made sheets eat her up whole. A content sigh escaped her lips. She was home. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]