It had been some time since Abraham visited Casperus. It wasn't as if he disliked the country - how could he, when it was where everything began? Some of his companions seemed to have a genuine distaste for the city after the incident, for various reasons of their own. Abraham, meanwhile, simply had no reason to revisit the area. But now he did, and he hoped that his companions had gotten over their aversion to what was once their home city, because he would need their help. He wouldn't be going directly to Bradena right now though, he had to somewhere else to check first. The half-orc trudged down the streets of a certain city. His green travelling cloak was covered in dust and mud, and his clothes told a similar story. In his hand he held an apple, which he was taking small bites out of while he walked. He had travelled relentlessly for 3 days, only taking the minimum amount of rest. Time was precious, and only the gods knew how much the cult had grown in the past years. Abraham didn't know how behind they all were. Fortunately for him, one of his ex-companions lived closer to the nomadic lands, one who he was sure was clever enough to see the signs for what they were. Abraham stopped in front of a particular building. A plaque on the front proudly described its occupant. This was Alice Windhorn's agency. The half-orc looked up at the large building pensively. It had been years since he had visited anyone from the glorious band of heroes. A distance of years had been crossed in 3 days. It made him feel... Well, it made him feel a bit foolish. There wasn't much he wanted to say to anyone, but he at least wanted to know how they were doing. Had it always been so easy? Abraham knocked on the door loudly. He was usually unemotional, but he was rather looking forward to his first reunion. [@Imbion]