Cedar blinked in confusion as an ethereal, body-less hand flew up to him, and assumed an orbit in synch with his airborne spinning, before thrusting something into his free hand. "You are making one hell of a mess here," It was the elf woman, sounding put-out and acidically cross. He bellowed out "not my idea of a good time either!', but the trinket rattled on without him. "If you heard my last message, good. If not, I am not going to repeat it." This was more about not slamming that spindly old bastard into the ground like a fencepost. It made him angrier, somehow. "You need to calm down. Asevor has a bomb powerful enough to level half of the city with him, and I swear to God it will happen if we stop him right now. He is trying to get away from the city, and currently heading to the southwest, seemingly lost all sense of direction. Luckily it's all plains outside the city. Now, if you want to keep your hide and alive, keep the pressure on him, slow him down until he is far enough from the city, then we take him down. How's that sound to you?" Holding in the nausea from all the whirling and spinning, he held the trinket right next to his face before trying to answer. "If dis dumbassed thing wurks buth wayz, en listen close. Da magic I'z been workin' got a kinda a minda its own, and bests I kin do is nudge it here 'n dere. I's is outta juice, an' if'n Is push too hard, th' spell's gunna make me dead as 'ell. I kinda wanna do at ol' fuck in firs'. " He sucked a breath then continued. "This ere storm aint endin till one a us is 6 feet un'er. No, afores yas asks, aint nuthin I kin do 'bout 'at. That fuck'r gits away, I'm one dead bear; storm'll eat wha's left a me, tryin to peg 'im. ... ... I kin try an keep 'im pinned high up. Wuz plannin' on killin' 'im up'ere anywhoo.." He was worried why she wanted to delay killing that bastard, after all the carnage he had caused. Then his thoughts turned back to why they were even here. "DA PRINCE! DID YAS FINDZ DA PRINCE!?"