[center][color=#008b8b][h2]Fionn MacKerracher[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][@Raineh Daze][@Krayzikk][@HereComesTheSnow] [hr] Fionn nodded at Lilia as she walked off, rapidly turning back to Nico. [color=#008b8b]"Commenting on lacking her mother's speed and making up for it with magic, and between you and me, I think she either underestimates herself or overestimates most of those any of us might be expected to fight. But that's beside the point. Your weapon isn't much lighter than ours, it's more a matter of the balance—and that balance gives you a lot of opportunities we don't have, even as much as it means you don't have the ones we have. And [i]regardless[/i] of the weapon, unless your goal is explicitly to try and take the other person alive, any action you take that isn't meant to immediately end the fight in the safest manner for yourself is an unwise choice, [i]especially[/i] if it leaves you open—like you said, you can't defend as easily if you're committing to strike at the hamstrings or the knees, or the legs in general. Now consider Gerard in your position with your sort of blade rather than a longsword—no magical talent, no magical weapon, and now using one that is somewhat disadvantaged in the cut compared to what he actually uses. He's even worse off than before if whoever he's fighting has even thick trousers."[/color] Fionn shook his head, both at how clear what he was pointing out [i]should[/i] have been and yet apparently wasn't, as well as the headache that he was starting to experience. Had he forgotten to drink anything that morning before he set out after Lein? [color=#008b8b]"No attack that is truly directed at the legs, with commitment, is going to be a sound attack with the weapons we use. Either their blade is down low, in which case they're prepared to parry you anyways, or it's up high, in which case you're leaving yourself entirely exposed to a lethal response. An enemy with a broken leg or severed hamstring can make their way back to the healers. You, if they split your skull open, bury their blade in your throat or lung, hew down through your collarbone and ribs into your heart, [i]can't."[/i][/color]