Hey it's Saturday! Very glad to continue hearing from [@Restalaan] and [@Yankee] in absence of their posts. [@pkken] I haven't heard from in a little over a week though. [@Hillan] will have a post up today hopefully. [@Daxam] should be starting Luna's next arc on the 24th, which is around when [@LostDestiny] should have the next Annabelle post, I hope (she's a bit overdue with Max, but it is what it is). I'll be writing a Coriander post this weekend to throw up once someone else has made a post, and if all goes well I'm due for Rico's next post on the 25th! I'm super thankful for you guys for sticking to it. I've never had a group RP go this long without dropping a single player, and I would love for that to continue. Just be sure to keep in touch!