[center][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYjc5MDVhMmQyNWU1MTk4NjY1ZTllZGIwYzk0YTYzNzI2Yjc2YmQ1NSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZzX2dpZklkJmN0PWc/dCqBEaIfcRJBILnDjr/giphy.gif[/img] Mentions: Avery [@RogueFox], Ria [@HaleyTheRandom], Alistair [@Hedgehawk] Attire: [url]https://justpaste.it/apfz8[/url] [/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent] With a serene smile, Daphne basked in the warm Greek sun, nestled atop of a plush lounger on the picturesque Santorini beach. She let the golden rays embrace her skin, promising a sun-kissed tan that would undoubtedly turn heads upon her return to the Edgebaston Academy. Adorned in a daringly skimpy white bikini, she relished the breathtaking view of the calm, iridescently blue waves caressing the shore. The worries of deadlines, uniforms, and the monotonous routine of academic life were temporarily replaced by the freedom and unrestrained joy that only a summer getaway could provide. She couldn’t believe that her escape to the luxurious Valmont resort in Santorini, an extension from her family's hotel empire, had already spanned a little over two weeks. Unfortunately, paradise was quickly coming to an end. In a moment of vanity, Daphne's fingertips danced across the screen of her phone, capturing a selfie, ​​ensuring to showcase the stunning view in the background. As she reviewed the picture, she couldn't help but feel satisfied with the result. The perfect lighting and angle had indeed worked in her favor. With a swift tap, she shared the snapshot with her legion of Instagram followers. She was intent on meticulously documenting every experience Santorini had to offer—be it the vibrant bars, exhilarating boat rides, or Mediterranean dishes. While physically apart, Daphne's connections to her inner circle remained steadfast. Avery, her confidante, received regular updates detailing the cultural nuances of Santorini, while Ria served as her trusted style consultant, exchanging daily outfit suggestions before she ventured out from the confines of her luxurious suite. And with Alistair, her partner-in-crime, their conversations teetered between scandalous accounts of their sexual exploits and reckless dares that pushed the boundaries of reason. While a few others had back-and-forths with Daphne, those three received the most intimate details of her summer. In contrast, she was unbothered by the absence of her parents, occasionally sending the “I’m still alive'' text, to calm any ounce of parental worry, not that it mattered to them. Her parents had opted to stay behind on this trip for their own selfish reasons. Regardless, she couldn't care less about their whereabouts. She was relieved to be free of their constant fake pleasantries and unwanted opinions. As a Greek server approached, Daphne maintained an air of nonchalance as she ordered,[color=b8f1ff]"One lemon-drop martini."[/color] Yet, her attention was soon captured by a magnetic couple - a striking Greek man accompanied by his beautiful girlfriend, their gazes fixated upon Daphne from across the bustling beach bar. A devilish smirk graced her lips as a mischievous thought took hold. [color=b8f1ff]"Actually, make that three,"[/color] she requested, keen on seizing this fleeting moment, after all, her days at Santorini were almost over. And Daphne knew these two individuals would be perfect additions to her list of summer conquests. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr] [center][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExM2QzZDE2OGM3YjJmMzhjZTBlMGYzYzE0MGIxNDE0ZDI0YmUwMjM5ZSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZzX2dpZklkJmN0PWc/TtLE24KTiioWT17u4v/giphy.gif[/img] Mentions: Alistair [@Hedgehawk], Marabeth [@Sailorsadie] Attire: [url]https://jpst.it/3dWD-[/url] [/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent] Daphne carefully examined her appearance in a compact mirror — her chocolate-brown hair was styled in loose waves that delicately draped across her shoulders, complimenting her almost glowing physique. As the sleek Rolls Royce came to a graceful stop, she shifted her view from her reflection to the windshield, a sigh leaving her freshly-coated glossed lips as she watched the students walking towards Cavendish Hall. It had only been a day since her return from the enchanting shores of Greece, and already Edgebaston Academy seemed like a distant memory. And although she had been dreading her return, she couldn’t hide the hint of excitement for what the Junior year would bring. With an air of effortless elegance, Daphne gracefully stepped out of the car, her eyes hidden behind a pair of designer shades, fixated on the grandeur of the academy before her. A fleet of cars followed in her wake, each one filled to the brim with her belongings. In Daphne's world, excess was the norm, an essential component of her glamorous lifestyle. As the chauffeurs and butlers emerged from their respective vehicles, they swiftly embarked on the task of meticulously transferring her possessions to the exclusive LeRue suite. Among them, Lydia, one of her family's countless assistants, took the lead, effortlessly coordinating the trail of helpers toward their designated destination. Daphne had learned to place her trust in her capable hands, unlike that shameless gold-digger assistant who had dared to engage in an affair with her father. From that moment on, Daphne had taken it upon herself to ensure that anyone who dared to cross her would face the consequences. She wielded her influence and connections, making it clear that those who strayed from the path of loyalty would be forever blacklisted from working in any other esteemed household in New York. Within the sea of students at the front gates, students and staff alike turned their heads, their curious gazes fixated on Daphne’s arrival. With an all-designer black outfit and a prominent family name to match, it was difficult to miss her in the crowd. It wasn’t long before she spotted a very familiar figure — a blond boy hurling insults upon anyone within earshot. It was none other than the infamous Alistair LeRue. Despite the start of a new year, some things never change. While Daphne never actively encouraged his display of playground insults, she couldn't deny the mild amusement she felt watching him pick apart his fellow students, finding the smallest of flaws to mock. She placed her shades on the top of her head as she approached the blond. [color=b8f1ff]"Seriously, Al? Preying on the weak freshmen already?"[/color] Daphne arched a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her glossed lips, not giving away that she did miss his chaotic presence during the summer. [color=b8f1ff]"If you scare them all off, who will you have left to terrorize for the rest of the year?"[/color] she playfully taunted. Not far from Alistair, Daphne's gaze landed on a red-haired senior… Meredith, was it? Or Marabeth? She couldn’t recall exactly. The girl seemed to radiate kindness, offering compliments to anyone who crossed her path. Daphne couldn't remember if they had ever interacted, but from this initial impression, the red-head seemed far too pleasant to have associated with someone like Daphne. After a brief side-eye, the brunette redirected her attention back to Alistair, ready to engage in their customary banter. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]