[quote=@Master EffeX] I'm booked up or might've joined, but just wanted to say, cool idea, man. We used to watch these movies a lot and they're still a good time - the new one was good too which can't be said about a lot of remakes. I remember nothing of the cartoon except that I'm sure my bro and I did watch it; played a video game or two, as well. [/quote] Thanks dude! Also, I think I'm just gonna repurpose Trevor Spengler. He is Egon's grandson in the movie, but I'll just rework him as Egon's son instead and say Egon didn't have kids until much later in life. Also, since Janine kind of had a crush on Egon in the movies and cartoon, I'm gonna have her be Trevor's mother. In this RP's continuity, they started dating in the 80s, she was kind of a hippie, and totally loved all his paranormal talk. They traveled and went on adventures and stuff for over 20 years before finally settling down and having Trevor. Now with a child to care for, Janine began to get annoyed at Egon's continued obsession with the paranormal, and also feeling like he had strung her along all these years with talk of some great paranormal event that never came to pass. Eventually things devolved into a shouting match when Trevor was seven years old where Janine basically said, "None of this was ever real, was it? It was all just BULLSHIT to manipulate me so I'd indulge in your fantasies! I put my life on hold for you! For twenty fucking years! Now we are married, own a home, trying to raise a child... And you're still out there chasing non-existent ghosts... You... You need help, Egon. I... I can't do this anymore... I want a divorce, and I want you to stay away from Trevor and I... I don't want you poisoning his mind with these delusions like you did mine..." I'll be using Finn as the faceclaim as well, here's a video of him fixing up the Ecto-1: [youtube]https://youtu.be/cyEcK_2U08A[/youtube] And them chasing Muncher: [youtube]https://youtu.be/5O1EcBYKsXM[/youtube] [youtube]https://youtu.be/zpddqPDIYQg[/youtube]