[CENTER][h2][color=00a99d]Cascade[/color][/h2][/CENTER] Upon seeing Rala hobble out and squinting her eyes in the light, she hurried over to Rala and got her arm around Cascade's shoulders. Cascade was fully intent on helping Rala, no matter what her complaints may be. Cascade couldn't help but laugh at Rala's question, and she answered her, "[color=00a99d]Silly Auntie! Of course not! Didn't I say so earlier?[/color]" She continued, "[color=00a99d]Our Harbormaster, Gringam Oshwin Fnipperting Nackle Pearlywhite; He's a gnome! And Matches! He's a half-dragon! He's in charge of law enforcement. And there are many more in Zephyr who aren't genasi. Me and my half-siblings aren't the majority of the village,[/color]" When Aura asked her question, and mentioned sleeping, Cascade tilted her head in confusion. She could only shrug and listened to Aura as she talked about her origins being the daughter of an Elven Princess. Then Hawk returned, and when Aura suggested watching her turn Hawk into something other than a Hawk, Cascade asked confusedly, "[color=00a99d]Wait, what? So, you're going to force a God to assume a different form...? Wouldn't that be rude or sacrilegious?[/color]"