[color=gray][INDENT][INDENT][i]Dr. Edwards' office was pitch black, save for the bright shine of a monitor that reflected in his glasses. Since the plateau incident, he had been pulling double-duty, working well into the night each day. The students under his wing needed guidance more than ever, Edwards felt, and he wanted to do everything in his power to assist them with counsel. Reaching for a tape recorder, Dr. Edwards pushed the record button and began speaking. [color=white]"Case file no. 0862452656. Patient name: Haleigh R. Crawford."[/color] He took a sip of his late night coffee. [color=white]"Miss Crawford has been..."[/color] Dr. Edwards paused momentarily, trying to find the right word. [color=white]"A difficult case, to say the least. Since she first came to my office, our discussions had bared little fruit. She was frightful, as most new hyperhumans tend to be, of her own powers. Of what [b]she[/b] could do. A freak, I believe, was her choice of word to call what she had become."[/color] Clicking on a file, Dr. Edwards watched as images and article clippings flashed onto the screen. Ruins of a hospital. Vancouver riots. The pleading of a worried father to news cameras. [color=white]"I do not blame her for thinking so. She had survived two near-death experiences in a short period of time, and now has to contend with the heavy weight that has been placed on her shoulders. But it is that heavy weight that has become like impenetrable armor for Miss Crawford. Each meeting inevitably leads to her withdrawn, refusing to yield workable ground. Any sort of progress for Miss Crawford has been hard to come by."[/color] Dr. Edwards sighed. [color=white]"Yet what happened out on the Southern Plateau, I feel, has irrevocably changed her outlook. Miss Crawford feels responsible for what had happened that night, not unlike others that were also there. She believes that if she had used her ability, rather than conceding to her fears, then Mr. Charon would still be alive today."[/color] Another sip of coffee. [color=white]"I am a doctor, not a fighter. I do not know what would've become of Miss Crawford if she had done so. But what I do know is that this anger of hers has been internalized, and directed towards Hyperion. A breakthrough, of course, yet not particularly a positive one. Wanting justice for Mr. Charon, Mr. Olyphant and the others isn't unreasonable, but I fear Miss Crawford has conflicted justice with vengeance, and I worry it may have unintended consequences in her future."[/color] He looked at the clock in the bottom right of the screen. 2:13 AM. Better close up shop. [color=white]"I recommend continued observation of Miss Crawford, per H.E.L.P. guidelines. She may have come around on her hyperhuman ability, but considering her focus on Hyperion, Miss Crawford might be more dangerous than she realizes."[/color] Pushing the record button once more, the tape stopped recording further audio. Leaning back in his chair, Dr. Edwards stared out a window, carefully observing the moon high in the sky as he began to reminisce over a lost friend that he had not the heart to inform Haleigh of. Not yet, at least. [color=white]If only you could see her now, Adelyn. You should've been here for her.[/color][/i][/INDENT][/INDENT][hr][center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1070792705547980842/1080131799591686314/Haleigh_Banner.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=SILVER][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [i]Northern Cove[/i] - [i]Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=SILVER][b]First Class #2.20[/b][/COLOR] [I]The Calm Before The Storm[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][color=SILVER][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]Funeral Group[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=SILVER][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Purpose[/I][/right][/SUP] [INDENT][color=d94a3f]"She's right, you know."[/color] Haleigh abruptly responded. [color=d94a3f]"You can try fooling yourself that she isn't, but Luce is right."[/color] Since her speech to Trace and Rory, Haleigh had been silent, instead choosing to listen to each and every Blackjack member that had approached them afterwards. When Luce spoke up, however, Haleigh knew her point couldn't have been said any better. She understood what needed to be done. [color=d94a3f]"Whose to say Hyperion won't show up again? How many more of us need to die before they decide that enough is enough? There are more important things to focus on than this game of charades Pacific Royal intends to play."[/color] The others might have not realized it, but Haleigh was certain that Blackjack and all the other students attending P.R.C.U. were now faced with a ticking time bomb ever since the Plateau incident. Despite all the safety measures the school had, Hyperion still managed to waltz in without detection. The terrorist had even managed to leave scot-free after injuring multiple staff and students alike, as well killing one. Why should they continue on like things were normal? Houses and team swaps didn't matter. The only thing that truly mattered was doing what was right with the hand Hyperion had dealt them. [color=d94a3f]"Take a breather all you want. Collect your thoughts all you want."[/color] Haleigh replied to IƱigo, who suggested they recollect first before anything else. [color=d94a3f]"But sooner or later, you'll have to make a decision. It'll come crawling back to you. Haunt you, even. The only thing you can do about it is wish you had made your choice sooner."[/color] Turning her wheelchair around, Haleigh began to follow after Luce. [color=d94a3f]"Now, if you'll excuse me."[/color] As she pushed past the crowd that had formed, Haleigh momentarily glanced towards Katja, who had stood far behind the rest of Blackjack. Truth be told, Haleigh had no idea what might've been floating around in her head. She hadn't talked to Katja since the incident, though admittedly that had been the same case for the rest of Blackjack. Regardless, Katja would have to make it clear where she stood eventually. Time would force everyone to decide no matter if they were ready to or not.[/INDENT][/INDENT][/color]