[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230313/14f3bce622500b2b7f41f0aba1186695.png[/img][hr][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/c7570dd96d17cd432b73e9e5240ba75d/1d2cc7d59ccd4c32-36/s400x600/80c1e970d2797d4dfe9745889e1f682c4417a8e7.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] April shrugged off what Danni was referencing to, the entire Space Sluts v Star Whores debate. Truthfully, April didn't like thinking much about their life before the Empire. They had lost almost everyone they had ever known in [i]the Incident[/i] that had claimed their lives, the one that they had narrowly survived due to Nemo's intervention. Thinking about that time reminded them of their parents, of the friends who hadn't been saved, of the lives that were stolen from them, of the feeling of a living, breathing planet without each inch covered in cold unmoving steel... Their fine control was better now than it had been in high school, but back then, just thinking about what had happened would almost guarantee the hydraulics in the ship exploding. They had been about to clammer into a seat next to Piccolo (they had watched some Dragonball Z Kai as a kid, not a lot, but some), when something caught their attention. April swung their head quickly, trying to focus on it, but it had vanished as soon as they had noticed it. They scowled. It had been like a shimmering little pyramid shaped thing. What the fuck was that? Were they losing their mind? It [i]did[/i] run in their family... Or was it their little sister, being an asshole? Why not send a killer cannibal owl then, if Zelda wanted to mess with them? April shook it off, putting it out of their mind. Maybe they had a concussion or some shit. They weren't going to worry about it. Not with fifteen fucking million credits on the line! They hopped on in, sitting down next to Piccolo. [color=42A9FF]"Can we get going then? My tits are shriveling up the longer we're waiting here, let's [i]go[/i]!"[/color]