Rulania smiles softly at Audrey's approach, her iridescent eyes glimmering from within with a dazzling light. She reaches out and slowly presses her hand to Audrey's outstretched appendage, her fingers delicately entwining with Audrey's. Rather than the antiquated circular dancing she did with David, she pulls Audrey beside her and hums to herself as she shuffles a few steps. "Mm, thou'rt a more difficult tune than ser David." She amuses. "His Song is likened to that of the Bikura, but thy song, my lady, is—" She laughs, suddenly stepping strongly with one foot in quick succession in the manner a guitarist might before beginning a small-scale gig at a club. She leaps upwards, letting out a howl of excitement; this cry rings Audrey's song into a climactic birth, her feet landing upon the ground in a heavy reverberation of bass and the crashing of cymbals. Her voice emanates as Audrey's, a hard and fast song with direct words and messages that interweaves into a more complex symphony of poetry that is hidden within the boisterous clatter of instrumentation and the forceful nature of the Song. Unlike David's guided dance, Rulania tugs and pulls Audrey as if their connected hands are more a lifeline than a friendly gesture; her jerking and writhing body thrashing akin to the mosh pit rather than any sort of elegant dance. The fire lights within her flesh again, the coursing veins of light and energy, and it flows from her into Audrey in a dazzling display of power. At last, Rulania tears herself away and throws herself back from Audrey, sliding back a few steps as she brushes sweat from her brow and pushes her hair back. [@Gisk] [b]You may add the following to your character sheet[/b] [hider=The Ballad of Broken Glass] [img][/img] [i]Sometimes, enough is enough. People talk about tipping points and straw breaking a camel's back—but why should it reach that point to begin with? Look, it's not your job do this. Really, it isn't. But you've found out the hard way that if you're not the first one to take a step, then nobody else will. People are too comfortable with complacency. Things can be better, people can be better, and you know it. You just need the strength to show everyone else your truth. Go and tear down the walls of this house of cards. Go and soar through that ceiling of glass. Be comforted knowing that the trail you blaze paves the way for those who would stumble on the same path you take.[/i] Audrey finds her physical prowess enhanced significantly; specifically, she is [b]strong[/b]. The strength wells up from within her, surpassing anything her body ordinarily would be capable of in a seemingly effortless manner. This power is simple in description and conception, and has incredible potential for growth. At the time of gaining this power, she can leap great distances surpassing that of Olympic record holders and could put human strongmen to shame. [/hider] "Prithee, it has been long ere I moved as such! Didst thou see, Ralek? How the music touches me so?" "Yeah, Lania, I see." He says in a placative manner, as one does when addressing the dork or weaboo when their obsession has arisen. His smile is good natured and his eyes show true amusement. "The lost one has returned to us too; 'sup." He says as greeting to Brown. Then, he looks around slowly. "There are a few here you haven't described to me before. Like him." Weasel's eyes narrow as the focus is shifted to him. He snorts derisively and makes a dismissive gesture even as Odaya leaps up and begins positively vibrating with excitement as she squirms in her little princess dress, as if wanting attention very very badly but incapable of finding it within herself to enact the cruelties in her eyes for once. "I see thee, little Otter." Rulania says soothingly. "In good time thou will dance with me too." Then, to Ralek; "Tis the little one's blood, as thou'rt to me. He...Twas not anticipated, but is welcome nonetheless." She hesitates, then finishes with confidence and a bright smile.