[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221216/4f44c5397258cf4400482ab4f1e5e068.png[/img] Interactions: Pete [@Tangy] Jean [@Yasha] Jordan [@Skill][/center] Adam enthusiastically shook Jean’s hand. [color=red]“Mucho gusto Guapo! I know who are you. We go to the same school for cryin’ out loud! I’ve seen you in the pool. You’re an Elite Four Member’s kid right? You’re probably good at battling. You also use water types. You know what that means don’t you? We’re rivals!”[/color] Before he had the chance to challenge Jean to battle, he was knocked to the ground. A person had landed on top of him. A cute person at that. [color=red]“No problemo chica linda.”[/color] He said with a big toothy grin as he took her hand to get back up. “I’m hot. People throw themselves at me all the time. Usually not literally though…” He laughed and rubbed the back of his head. [color=red]“Name’s Adam Hayes btw. You can bet I’m callin’ ya later.”[/color] He winked and gave a finger gun gesture…” He then turned his attention back to his two traveling companions, and put his arms around both his shoulders. [color=red]“As for the two of you, let the Pokémon Bros Adventure begin! Either of you know where we’re supposed to go? Probably the first Gym. Hell if I know that is.”[/color]