[@Hedgehawk] [Hider=Ophelia Evelyn Carrington / Junior][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230522/6a22c00ccc9a2f0d563f2fd4ea0f2f7f.png[/img] [sub][color=DeepPink][i]Phe, Lia.[/i][/color][/sub] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/b8e303e9c9a5103a79096821ae7973de/tumblr_n99s3oMCu01tc7oy3o1_500.gif[/img] [sub][color=DeepPink]((Faceclaim: Lucy Hale // Color Code: DeepPink)) [i][b]"I am the dragon breathing fire. Beautiful mane, I'm the lion."-Beyonce[/b][/i][/color][/sub][/center] [color=DeepPink]Name:[/color] [indent]Ophelia Evelyn Carrington. Common Nicknames are Phe and Lia. Few select friends call her Eve or Evie. Musical Allias is Evie Carrington.[/indent] [color=DeepPink]Age & Grade:[/color] [indent]17 Years Old. February 6th. Aquarias Junior[/indent] [color=DeepPink]Gender:[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=DeepPink]Sexuality:[/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=DeepPink]Label:[/color] [indent]Aspiring Singer[/indent] [color=DeepPink]Occupation:[/color] [indent]Focusing on her music. On occasion performs her songs at different venues and sells a few demos.[/indent] [color=DeepPink]Appearance Details[/color] [list][*][b][color=DeepPink]Hair:[/color][/b] Various shades of brown. Likes to keep her hair past shoulder lenght. One of her [url=https://i2.wp.com/www.hadviser.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/18-cute-long-boho-style-CCgr-3aJKmM.jpg?resize=1017%2C1326&ssl=1]favourite hairstyle[/url] is curly loose waves with braids. [*][b][color=DeepPink]Eyes:[/color][/b] Hazel [*][b][color=DeepPink]Height:[/color][/b] 5'1 [*][b][color=DeepPink]Body Type:[/color][/b] Slender, with slight curves. [*][b][color=DeepPink]Clothing Style:[/color][/b] Uniform is always kept tidy and neat. Accompanied with her [url=https://img01.ztat.net/article/spp-media-p1/a38954ca07773dd189f7973bdd1df80c/50d3dee522fb469ebd7cd9e8260b4d3c.jpg?imwidth=1800]school shoes[/url]. Accessorises with her earrings and necklaces. Casual clothing usually involves lots of various designer brands; Winter woollen clothes are also designer. Likes to wear bright colors; gold, red, purple, blue, green. On occasion will wear creamier/lighter colors. Shoes wise she likes to wear high heels or boots. On occasion likes to go bare-foot. [*][b][color=DeepPink]Makeup Wise:[/color][/b] Usually wears perfume, light eye-shadow with lipgloss. Colors usually match with her clothes. [*][b][color=DeepPink]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/color][/b] Pierced ears. Likes to wear various sorts of earrings. Small scar on her right palm from childhood injury. [/list] [hr] [Center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/102013b9372d88516ef8a66bee1b7913/tumblr_mzcsdwCtX21r78fh8o4_250.gif[/img][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/076f8a9d6f529cba29bd633bab703fd7/tumblr_mzcsdwCtX21r78fh8o5_250.gif[/img][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/f00cb1654cd07f4156824a927358c2ca/tumblr_mzcsdwCtX21r78fh8o6_250.gif[/img][/Center] [color=DeepPink]Personality[/color] [Center][indent]Patient [Color=MediumVioletRed]♫[/color] Perfectionist [Color=MediumVioletRed]♫[/color] Sassy [Color=MediumVioletRed]♫[/color] Dramatic [Color=MediumVioletRed]♫[/color] Spontaneous [Color=MediumVioletRed]♫[/color] Determined [Color=MediumVioletRed]♫[/color] Outspoken [Color=MediumVioletRed]♫[/color] Charming [Color=MediumVioletRed]♫[/color] Critical [Color=MediumVioletRed]♫[/color] Ambitious [Color=MediumVioletRed]♫[/color] Protective [Color=MediumVioletRed]♫[/color] Witty [/indent][/Center] [color=DeepPink]Acceptance Status:[/color] [indent]Paid for by her parents.[/indent] [color=DeepPink]History[/color] [indent][List][*]Born in Sunny San Francisco, Ophelia is the youngest daughter of David and Maddison Carrington. She was born 5 years after her older brother Phillip. Surrounded by a loving family and music; the Carrington's were always on the road due to David's music career in a well known band. With her father being the mean vocalist, meanwhile Ophelia's mother on the other hand worked as a play-screen writer. With both of her parents in the lime-light of their own, Ophelia was drawn to stardom from an early age. From the age of 5, Ophelia started having singing lessons. Her parents even got her a personal vocal coach. Over the years as she developed her singing voice and with it her style. Ophelia likes to experiment with her sound to see what sort of music she can come up with. [*]When it came to Ophelia's education in school, she's always done decently well. But music classes were always off more interest to her than any other classes as she found them boring to say the least. Keeping B-A grade average in all her classes. [*]As she grew to be a teenager, Ophelia has been known to have a dramatic flare. Some people claim that being related to famous people is going to her head, others think it's just a teenage thing. Whatever it is, she uses it to her advantage and at times helps her as a singer.[*]When she reached Freshman year, her parents paid for and sent her to Edgebaston Academy. With the extensive programs, they knew it was the right school to send her to whilst Ophelia still could pursue her long-term dream of becoming a singer. Ophelia soon felt at home, going to Edgebaston Academy. Outside of the Academic year, Ophelia is either home or visiting wherever her father is traveling with his band, as well as performing herself in her spare time. With her Junior year now starting, she's looking forward to seeing what this year holds for her. [/List][/indent] [color=DeepPink]Extras:[/color] [indent][list][*][color=DeepPink][b]Luggage:[/b][/color] Clothes, Shoes, Make-up bag, Electronics, Jewellery selection, her favourite own microphone, family phone album, Cd player with select music and books. [*][color=DeepPink][b]Extracurricular Activities:[/b][/color] Choir Club. [*]Enjoys dancing; has learned some basics to help with her performances as a singer. [*]Also enjoys Photography. Likes to take pictures of almost anything in her spare-time and posts them all over her social hubs; mainly Facebook and Instagram. [*] Allergic to dog hair and peanuts. [*] Has a Pet cat called [url=https://icatcare.org/app/uploads/2018/07/Thinking-of-getting-a-cat.png]Hazel.[/url] [*] Keeps a secret dairy; stores her hopes, dreams, song ideas and everything in-between. [*] Whilst she makes her own music, she also enjoys making covers of well known artists with her own twist to them. [*] Favourite singers include Shakira, Beyonce, Linkin Park, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Red, Bon Jovi, Maroon 5.[/list] [/indent] [/Hider]