[hr] [hr][sup][h1][center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1070187379547176990/1079854995761008752/Calliope_Banner.png[/img][/center][b][center][color=black] C A L L I O P E[/color] [color=F796A9]C A L L I O P E[/color] [/center] [/b][/h1][/sup][indent][sub][COLOR=SILVER][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=SILVER][b]First Class #2.26: [/b][/COLOR] [I]New Foes, Old Friends[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][sub][color=SILVER][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR][i]Coop ([@psych0pomp])[/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=SILVER][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I]Protection[/I][/right][/SUP] [color=darkgray]Calli took a moment to take all that was being said in. Let it never be said she didn't allow everyone a fair shake. Granted, she was more inclined to believe Luce and Haleigh over Rory and Trace (of all people, Calli never expected Trace to be on the side of not stirring up trouble). And Mackenna was Mackenna. Calli rolled her eyes, but even she had a point. That didn't matter though. Calli still wanted Hyperion's head on a pike and if the school wasn't going to do anything about it, she was. [color=F796A9]"Evil wins when good people do nothing. Isn't that a saying? I don't advocate going in blind but I sure as hell am not going to sit on my ass twiddling my thumbs and pretending to be an average student in a school of kids with mind-bending powers. I'm doing something about it. Luce was right, there are sides and we'll need to make a choice."[/color] After Calliope spoke she heard her name, but it wasn't from any of her teammates. And it invoked a sense of nostalgia. She turned to look at who was calling her and saw a figure she didn't expect. Dash Cooper. Granted, he had grown up, but it was him. She recalled pleasant moments with him growing up, her one safe haven from her father. [color=F796A9]"Dash Cooper? What the heck?"[/color] Calliope also opened her arms for a hug and it felt good to see a familiar face. Once free, she led him away from the others. If she was going to open up about her past again, she didn't want everyone to know. "What are you doing here? Well, I can hazard a guess, but still. How have you been?" Coop followed her, only throwing a passing glance over his shoulder as the conversation started to heat up behind him. It seemed wildly [i]personal[/i], and he was glad not to have anything to do with it. He focused back on Callope, his smile hadn't faded yet. It was nice to get a hug from someone familiar. Not that he'd gotten hugs from the unfamiliar. Just that--you know, not important. [COLOR=#B7EB6F]"Oh, I just stopped by for a look around. You know, marvel at all the Canadian architecture and landscaping. It's giving me YA-supernatural-love triangle vibes. If I see one more 'I got a dark secret' hairstyle, then I'm, 100% sure I'm the other [i]other[/i] love interest."[/color] He rubbed the back of his head at that moment, almost forgetting that he'd been wounded. He winced. [COLOR=#B7EB6F]"Bad joke. I'm here for the same reason as you. Something which I'm sure our parents are on a text chain about how awful it is to have a 'broken child.'"[/color] He rolled his eyes. [COLOR=#B7EB6F]"I'm doing alright, considering. How about you? You were in class with the guy. That can't be easy--but I get it if you don't want to talk about it. We can always discuss which emojis our dads are using incorrectly."[/color] Calliope winced as Coop brought up their fathers. She hadn't spoken to her father for a while now. Did he know what happened? Did he care? [color=F796A9]"I'm fairing as well as can be, I suppose. I didn't know him well, but in the limited interactions I did have with him he seemed sweet. Another of ours got severely injured. He's in the hospital and they won't let me see him."[/color] Calliope decided not to disclose what her and Banjo were, if anything. She didn't even know yet. [color=F796A9]"But anyway, it's nice to have someone I know here! Especially you. I'm sorry we kind of lost touch after a while. You know how it goes."[/color] [COLOR=#B7EB6F]"I'm sure if they won't let you see him it has less to do with you, and more to do with him. He's probably just asleep, or on like [i]a lot[/i] of morphine. One time when I was on pain relievers I thought I was Nic Cage, and I was out to get the Declaration of Independence. The nurses were not happy that I found a marker and had written my plan all over the wall."[/color] He pushed his hands into his pockets and smiled when she remarked that it was nice to have someone here that she knew. [COLOR=#B7EB6F]"I wouldn't... worry about it. These things happen. We have so many options to talk to so many people, that sometimes we don't check up on the people we know the best. Hell, I can't talk. I didn't reach out to you."[/color] He drew his lips into a thin line. [COLOR=#B7EB6F]"I thought about it, y'know, after I read about what happened. But at that moment, I hadn't really had my shit happen to me... so... what would I have said. 'Hey Calli, can you like... make an ice sculpture of the President kissing a hedgehog that's dressed up as a small businessman?' Which now that I say that... I really want to know if you can."[/color] Calliope laughed. It had been a while since she was put at ease by someone. [color=F796A9]"Yeah, you're right. I know it's in his best interest. I just want to know he's ok. He was really hurt."[/color] Calliope hadn't thought about it much, but her explosive reveal had to make local news. A senator's daughter unleashing icy hell? Hell, she was probably national news. [color=F796A9]"As for the ice sculpture, I am sure I can whip something up. Bygones, also. We are here now in the same place, weirdly enough. It was nice to see you again Coop. A little reminder of home that's actually positive. I needed that more than you could ever know."[/color] Coop smiled, understanding that Calliope was quite done with their conversation. He could practically see the edges of her lips turn in the same direction as her feet as she spoke. [COLOR=#B7EB6F]"Same. I guess it's just a reminder that no matter how big the world is. It can get pretty small sometimes. It's good to see you, and if you ever want to get together and braid each other's hair sometimes. I can try and you burn your hair off later, and can just make the world's smallest braids in mine. Or just knot up the hair real good."[/color] He laughed. [COLOR=#B7EB6F]"Unfortunately, I was an only child and never learned how to braid anything. Have a good day, Calli."[/color] He pulled his hands from his pockets and waved at her, heading off to... he didn't know where. He just knew how to read body language. And body language said there was a world of worry on her shoulders and she wanted some time to deal with it. Calliope left Coop there, feeling kind of bad on ditching him. As nice as it was to see an old friend, her mind was a cavalcade of different emotions. She was not at her best. Hell, what WAS her best anymore? Letting people she knew die or get hurt? Letting herself get so worked up she panicked and passed out. [i][color=F796A9]"You're pathetic. Look at you. Little Miss Senator's Daughter is off on her own and still fucking things up."[/color][/i] No, not here. Not now. [i][color=F796A9]"Yeah, thought you could get rid of me? I'm your inner voice, bitch! That little pestering voice that tells you like it is. You're a failure. Cass is dead. Banjo is injured. Blackjack is all but traumatized and what did you do? Have a panic attack and pass out. Real strong efforts there."[/color][/i] Calliope stopped walking, clinging one hand to her wrist. [i][color=F796A9]"You can't hide the scars. They will always be there."[/color][/i] Calliope closed her eyes and counted to 20, taking deep breaths. Eventually, she calmed down. She looked around, hoping no one saw her nearly have another panic attack. Calliope debated on what to do next. Perhaps she would go to the ICU after Luce. Maybe the girl would have better luck than she did.[/color]