[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightblue]Padawan, Kaylelia Stymerr [/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Kaylelia sat across from her newly assigned master Raynor, at the start of the war her master had been sent off to fight in the First Battle of Geonosis. He chose to leave her behind and told her to focus more on her training, two hundred and twelve of them died that day along with her master. She then was assigned another master who had also died when their ship was ambushed by a fleet of Separatists ships had attacked, only her and a small handful of clones managed to escape and survived. Now she had been assigned to Raynor, as she looked over the data pad going over the details that the Jedi Council had sent them. Her personal droid BD-10 would make it's way over towards MZ-33 tilting it's head slightly while looking up at it's fellow droid. "Bwooep!" It beeped out in droidspeak. Kaylelia's attention quickly turned towards Raynor asking what she thought about the murdered senator by the name of Brijes Davibroa a popular senator from one of the Core Worlds had been murdered by his own translation droid in the middle of the senate floor. She didn't really like the politics of the Galactic Senate all that much really as she thought a little bit. "It could be that the Seppies had managed to reprogram it to kill the senator, or maybe he had made an enemy of a fellow senator and wanted him killed or he owed money to some Hutt he crossed. Or maybe a disgruntled assistant or intern managed to do it after he fired them and wanted revenge." Kaylelia suggested giving her opinion why it might have happened. [hider=BD-10 Translation]Hello![/hider]