[quote=@Gisk] Reminds me very strongly of Borderlands! I'm tentatively interested, pending some more setting info. Are the alien races set in stone, or would it be just whatever someone wanted to make? What kind of technology limits are there? How does space travel work? Is it like a warp drive, some kind of "gate" situation, or what? [/quote] - Alien races are not set in stone, I'll have a few in the OOC of races that will be partially prevalent to the story, but players are more than welcome to come up with their own. - Trylin is basically still a backwater planet even with recent developments so most people on the planet are stuck with pretty basic and low end stuff, but those with money can pull out fun toys. Things will be mostly limited to what you would call modern day fire arms and such, but characters can have more futuristic stuff with the bit that maintaining/replacing that tech will be difficult. - So far I wasn't planning for the RP to leave Trylin so I hadn't given space travel any thought. can get back to you on that when I give it some more thought if you wish