[hr][hr] [color=#ff8c69]MZ-33, Protocol Droid[/color] [color=6ecff6][i]29 pts (Light-Side)[/i][/color] [hr][hr] Emzie looked down at the BD unit. [color=6ecff6]"Bwooep."[/color] They responded in kind. Emzie continued on in Droidspeak, [color=6ecff6]"Have you been kept busy?"[/color] A droid with a purpose was a happy droid. Not that the BD unit probably had anything resembling emotions. Emzie liked to believe they didn't, but even that was an emotion they ignored. They had more than most. Emzie had opinions. Though, they kept those mostly to themselves and occasionally Raynor. Such opinions included ones about the mission Raynor had been assigned. Emzie had, of course, read the documentation about the situation. They knew the droid couldn't have done that on its own. Even Emzie couldn't do that on their own. And their programming had room for firing a blaster at actual flesh and blood types. All cases basically required them to be attacking one of Emzie's charges. Not to forget that Raynor had made a point of quietly teaching Emzie how to use a lightsaber.