"Whoa!" Jeremy said, lunging to stop the thrown can with his foot. Littering was bad, even if the drink sucked. But it seemed consistent with her personality, what with the tatoos and all. And it seemed like she got into a fight, or something... Was she, perhaps, a delinquent student? Or even worse, could she be a member of the dreaded Mephisto's School for the Wickedly Inclined? Legends say that the school was a gathering ground for criminals, and that the school building itself is enchanted in such a way that only those with the blackest hearts could enter. Well, that was what the kids around him said, so it was probably heavily exaggerated. Jeremy wanted to give this girl the benefit of the doubt, even if she was saying something about vampires right now. Wait, vampires? "Huh?" Jeremy said, taking a moment to process what he heard. He did, indeed, hear correctly. "Yeah, everyone's heard of vampires. What about them?" It was an old legend with some kernels of truth. The tale of an ancient historical king with a unique Gift had been embellished and rewritten a countless amount of times. But what did that have to do with anything? [@Crowvette]