Location: Village [@Pyromania99][@crimson Paladin] [hr] The pirates pistol found its mark, the bullet burying itself into the creatures neck, earning a pained snarl, its swipe narrowly missing the girl as Argus closed in. It’d immediately turn to the bigger threat as the cutlass came down upon its head, slicing a deep gash into the beasts neck, killing the beast with relative ease all things considered but it would be a short lived reprieve. “I don’t care what you do, just do-” A loud shriek from the forest. A baleful, hateful thing that caused even the frenzied beasts paused momentarily, seemingly cowering in mild fear as the air would soon be pierced a second time. “-what on earth…?” The vampires would not have to wait long before the source of the shriek made itself known. A shadow from the forest leaping into the air, over the tree tops. A large, hulking mass slammed into a house, crushing its ceiling and destroying the entire building as it would proceed to rip the rest of the building to shreds with its bare hands. “Gods blood…what is that…!” Standing nearly twelve feet tall, It looked like some horrible amalgamation of owl, deer, and man. An uncanny human face on a flat, owl like head. As it opened its beak, a row of distinctly human teeth were seen screaming from within. Scraggly wings tipped with three long, claw like hands hung from its side as its clawed feet gripped the ground. Antlers curled from its head, and where its stomach should have been was just a hole, a ripped out section where its guts should be. Its head did a full rotation upon its long neck, as if surveying the situation before screeching once more. It lashed out with its claws, slamming them into the ground, going right for Julene. Forest of beasts [hr] [@Click This][@VitaVitaAR] Swatted out of the sky, but not without landing a serious blow. The ice barrier morphed into a wall of spikes, the icy protrusions piercing the creature. Perhaps rather disappointingly as it impaled itself, there were no sounds of pain or even an inkling that it showed any sign of being injured at all as the spike was driven right through its hand through its palm. It merely righted itself, its fingers twitching in the only show of emotion it seemingly had. Giselle’s swordplay had seemingly less of a noticeable effect to start with. The second hand pulled back, the red threads pulling taught, and at the same time…Kordelia moved. The threads were wrapped tightly around her body, even if Giselle severed one it wouldn’t simply free her so easily as the bestial vampire lord turned her attention to the other. She however, seemed strangely slowed - the hand that Aleksiya had impaled was having trouble manipulating Kordelia properly.