“On my way.” Zey confirmed to Itxaro over comms. She opened a service hatch and hopped down. “Oh, and Vigdis? Don’t let the shapeshifter look at any more videos. I don’t like where that is heading one bit.” [hr] “I am proposing a mutually beneficial arrangement. It is the Ascendency that ruins anyone who cannot perform for the ‘greater good’.” Silbermine shot back calmly to Nellara; he was at pains to remain level-headed. He even ignored the heresy in her accusations; the gods could decide her fate. Vigdis’ translator didn’t really port sarcasm over. Silbermine thought these strangers quite amenable so far, if a little slow. “Apologies, allow me to explain.” Silbermine replied when this first Human seemed to not have understood. “The Running is a months-long contest where the noble families of Mythadia compete for responsibilities at court, control of castles, towns, land, Glen. Winners also have the chance to enact their proposed amendments to some laws. All of Mythadia joins in the glorious pageantry.” This stuff came naturally to Silbermine - his education extensively featured the intricacies of the Mythadian power structures. “You come from the sky, and yet you do not know Venurwreth?” Silbermine supposed something must have gotten lost in translation. “He is a sky god who travels the world atop a great shard storm, leaving behind treasures for the worthy who brave the danger below.” It was at this point that another Tekeri berated Silbermine. He snorted in annoyance. It was one thing to trade spirited insults with a respectable figure like the Castigator. It also seemed prudent to be cautious and respectful around what appeared to be one of the few truly odd beings that roamed Kanth-Amerek. The burning tree had made its feelings known with a disgusting laugh and some barbs which weren't lost on the nobleman. But for a [b]commoner[/b] to think they could speak to him like that without fear of retribution wasn’t going to fly. “Stay your tongue, hedge-born.” Sir Sweven growled softly at Kerchak as a few Glen stepped forward, bearing hunks of bread. “Show some respect when addressing my lord.” The knight offered a long, thin loaf to Itxaro, towering over her. A Glen-at-arms offered another loaf to Arancini and Vigdis. One more was offered to Nellara. This variety had a green tinge, was very tough on the outside, and extremely salty. Glen liked salt. “I see no problem with parlé here.” Silbermine replied to Itxaro. “It would be best to finalise the details of our deal in private though, if you choose to accept. We have observed you from a respectful distance, and I have been very impressed with the longevity of your golems, both large and small… I would be very interested in learning more about what they can do. Will you show us?” [hr] Zey exited the shuttle bay into the clearing. As she made her way over to the group of individuals conversing by the Tekeri camp, her keen eyes spotted a Tekeri she hadn’t seen before making their way over as well. The closest security droid had clanked up behind them. “This is a restricted area. Please identify yourself.” It said directly to Subira in S’toric.