I've put together a CS and tried to adapt this pirate dragon girl I've hold on to for ages to this RP. If things make no sense to the setting, I'll gladly revise the faulty parts. [hider=Stella] [color=6ecff6]Appearance: [/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/kgnz3HL.jpg][img]https://i.imgur.com/kgnz3HLl.jpg[/img][/url] [color=6ecff6]Name:[/color] Stella Maria Esperanza [color=6ecff6]Race: [/color] Leviathan - If Dragons are considered “Rulers of the Earth”, then Leviathans would be their aquatic counterpart. They appear to be like the crossover between a mermaid and a dragon, but they share more with their dragon cousins than mermaids. Leviathans are often simply called “Sea Dragons” [color=6ecff6]Magic/Abilities/Equipment:[/color] [i]-Basic Shapeshifting:[/i] On land, Stella appears as a wingless dragon with webbed hands. When fully submerged in water, her legs become a tail, resembling much like a [url=https://i.imgur.com/ez0aa2b.png](NSFW-ISH WARNING) mermaid[/url] but with horns and spines. If she so wishes, Stella can also appear fully [url=https://i.imgur.com/509ZTX3.png]human[/url] to blend in with humans. While some traits change according to her different forms, her general appearance remains the same. [i]-Waterbreathing:[/i] As an aquatic monster, Stella breathes just as well underwater as the air above. [i]-Jetstream breath:[/i] Instead of breathing fire, Stella can produce high-pressurized bouts of water. Note that she doesn’t actually produce water, she needs to ingest water before to do so, which is then magically morphed to suit her needs. [i]-Water Manipulation:[/i] Stella can give shape to water, use it to attack or defend herself. Again, she needs actual water, since she can’t produce it herself. [i]-Outstanding physical prowess:[/i] Stella is quite powerful by her own right, though not as much as her dragon cousins. The scales on her arms and legs can stop most blades, her claws can rend through anything that isn’t as durable as steel, her tail can pack quite a punch and she can take quite a beating before having to retreat. [i]-Swashbuckling:[/i] Despite being a powerful monster, Stella prefers to emulate the pirates and high-sea adventurers she is often in company of. She’s proficient with light blades, pistols and agility-based fighting styles. [color=6ecff6] Personality:[/color] If one were to analyze Stella's form, they would notice she bears a proud and regal countenance often found in dragons, but it seems pervaded by habits gained from humans’ presence. The Leviathan girl is a curious being, often fascinated by the world of humans. She has no desire to remain in one place too long and her lack of commitment makes her a free-spirited monster. It is to no surprise that these combinations of mental traits made her into what humans would call “an adventurer”. Stella is a carefree soul, friendly to monsters and humans alike. While she isn’t driven by her natural instincts to find a mate and settle down to reproduce, she does have a strong drive and is greatly interested in the acts with any gender. Beside her naturally strong lust, she has strong material desires and is often found fawning over all sorts of jewelry, gems, shiny coins and the like. [color=6ecff6]Background:[/color] For the most part of her life, Stella was surrounded with humans. Her curiosity towards the world beyond the seas made her venture beyond her domain in favor of exploring coastal human settlements. She grew to be renowned as a monster openly dealing with settlements where The Order had almost no influence. She came in contact with Lady Kyouko during an incursion to her island in order to resupply. Perhaps it was because of her reputation of helping both monsters and humans alike at sea, but Stella agreed into joining the investigation team at that time. [quote][color=6ecff6]“Avast me hearties!”[/color] [i]*Ahem*[/i] [color=6ecff6]“Pardon this crude introduction. Playin’ pirates fer so long left me with curious antics. I’m Stella Maria Esperanza, though Stella’s fine. ‘tis a pleasure to meet ya.”[/color] [/quote] [/hider]