[color=lightgray][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nFq9mJx.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/fRRq4zL.png[/img] [color=BBC7E1]Time:[/color] 6pm [color=BBC7E1]Location:[/color] Guesthouse [color=BBC7E1]Mention:[/color] [@FunnyGuy] Lorenzo [@Rodiak] Nahir [@13org] Mayet [@Potter] Layla [@Helo] Leo [@Inertia] Auguste [@JJ Doe] Riona [@Lava Alckon] Farim [@Tpartywithzombi] Lady Ariella [@Infinite Cosmos] Munir [color=BBC7E1]Attire:[/color][url=i.imgur.com/R0Bp8Cm.png]Bun[/url], [url=i.imgur.com/VLoLGta.png]Dress[/url], [url=https://i.etsystatic.com/12443370/r/il/453c4f/3928939420/il_1588xN.3928939420_tmsy.jpg]Gold haircomb[/url] [hr][/center][/color] [color=lightgray] [color=9AF781]“It’s okay to run to fight another day.”[/color] Charlotte glanced over at the servant in surprise, a pretty dark-haired girl she recalled seeing prior. She had given a Charlotte a handkerchief, which she had accepted and turned to face her as an excuse to dab at her eyes. [color=9AF781]“A tactical retreat holds merit, My Lady.” [/color] Recalling a past encounter, Charlotte struggled to recall the girl's name and finally, it clicked. With a warm smile, she softly uttered, [color=BBC7E1] "...Riona, right? Thank you. I won't forget your kindness."[/color] Leo's words reached her ears next and she squeezed his hand. She took a deep breath. She was stronger than this. [i]At least.... She wanted to be.[/i] [color=BBC7E1] "You're right. I just need to sit here and eat... Shouldn't be too difficult."[/color] Then Lorenzo spoke. She instinctively reached for her wine glass, hoping to conceal the anxious expression etched on her face, and started sipping it slowly. However, as the topic shifted to Mayet, Charlotte's throat tightened, causing her to choke on her wine. Hastily, she placed the glass back on the table, coughing gently to regain her composure. In a state of surprise and mild distress, Charlotte patted her chest with a closed fist and cast wide-eyed glances at her stepfather. Leaning closer over the table, she whispered in a hushed tone, [color=BBC7E1] "Lorenzo... You're embarrassing her. Apologize quickly [i]please[/i]."[/color] Though Mayet wasn't her favorite person at the table, she would have been mortified in her shoes and she supposed perhaps being an adult man may have distanced Lorenzo from the viewpoint of how a young woman would feel being spoken about in such a manner so publicly, true or not. As someone who had been under Mayet's gaze, she could confirm it was anything but lust. [color=salmon]“BUT that can wait! I think grace is in order. Uh, everyone, join hands. Come on, don't be shy...Now bow your heads in silence while I give thanks..."[/color] Charlotte wasn't sure if he had heard her over his own voice as he began a long speech once more. As he finally concluded, she realized she had inadvertently emptied her glass while fixating on its now vacant bottom. Casting a grateful glance at Leo for his attempt to redirect the conversation, she silently mouthed to him, her words tinged with remorse, [color=BBC7E1][i]"I'm so sorry."[/i][/color] She couldn't help but wonder if bringing him to this event had been a mistake. Although he had managed to earn favor with Sultan and hopefully impress Nahir as well, she worried that the situation might have been too overwhelming for him. Before she could check on him, Mayet reacted as if she had become a tiger herself. Her expression morphed into one of shock upon witnessing the fierce determination in the woman's eyes. As a knife was hurled through the air, Charlotte instinctively froze up. However, as Mayet advanced towards Lorenzo with a scimitar in hand, Charlotte's body surged with adrenaline, propelling her to rise from her seat, ready to tackle Mayet to the ground if necessary. A determined look adorned her face as she silently vowed, [color=BBC7E1][i]No. Not again. I refuse to lose my family again![/i][/color] Fortunately, before Charlotte could take action, Farim swiftly intervened, diffusing the tension in the air. Charlotte's reaction was far from composed. Her body remained frozen in a standing position, forgetting the very act of sitting. Anger, fear, and a torrent of unresolved emotions surged through her, threatening to engulf her. Lost in the darkness of her own thoughts, Charlotte found herself unable to comprehend or absorb any spoken words around her. It was as if her mind had erected a barrier. A blurry face filled her mind. The jarring sound of fists colliding abruptly against the table shattered the grip of her inner turmoil, momentarily wrenching her attention back to the present. [i]BAM! THUD! CRACK![/i] The Sultan started speaking and Charlotte quickly sat down. She glanced over at Lorenzo, who seemed unharmed. Mayet was soon asked to leave, which she hoped she would as she wasn't sure if she could handle not strangling the girl at the moment. Subsequently, Prince Auguste let the Sultan know his displeasure as well as the weight her actions could carry. Charlotte had nothing nice to say about that and instead started to push a falafel around her plate with her fork. [/color]