[@Crimson Flame][@tobiax][@TheNoCoKid][@The World] I've been doing some figuring, and I may have to simplify the DiM system from what I initially had in mind, as well as make certain rules for what kinds of DiM cards can be used by Digimon; for example, attack cards can only be from--at most--Digimon from one evolutionary stage higher than the Digimon that uses it. An example would be [url=https://wikimon.net/images/9/98/Aegiomon2.jpg]Aegiomon[/url] (Champion/Adult level) being able to utilize [url=https://wikimon.net/images/9/91/Rizegreymon.jpg]RizeGreymon's[/url] (Ultimate/Perfect level) Trident Revolver attack, but not being able to use [url=https://wikimon.net/images/c/c1/Amphimon.jpg]Amphimon's[/url] (Mega/Ultimate level) Raiburn Break/Thunder Break attack. If any of you would be interested in helping me set this up, I would be very appreciative.