“Sir, the mobile relay just came online. It's Edwards and Chappel.” Comms officer Anselm called to Mallory on the bridge. “Initial scan activated.” A large spherical grid appeared on the Navigator’s interface. A detailed 3D model of the area surrounding the relay’s position on top of the hill the Jotunheim had crashed into began to appear. It was 526 metres away and 167 metres higher up. They were positioned in the middle of two other similarly sized hills, with verdant valleys running between the three. To the ‘south-east’ appeared a [url=https://www.travelandleisure.com/thmb/O_l4b5JDWtEWKQ7mE7PoA3rQdVk=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/cascade-mountains-range-USMNTNS0720-db9bdf21ee2e47b1868232c551c01006.jpg]large forest[/url] - the scan highlighted a few bodies of water and (with lower certainty) some possible structures hidden within. To the ‘north’ was the floodplain visible from the Jotunheim itself. One of Anselm’s comm panels squawked - she quickly put on a headset. “Jotun Two Zero this is Jotun Actual. I read you - what is your status, over?” Anselm listened intently. “Copy that Jotun Two Zero, hold for orders, over.” The comms officer spun in her chair to address Mallory. “Sir, there are more of those bird things approaching the relay. Edwards says they’re dressed like hunters. Our team are requesting instructions.” This sort of situation was within the XO’s remit. It evidently required a quick reaction and he was clearly in the best position to respond with the Captain elsewhere.