Oh, how he was so, so tired of this. Why every threat Mega and beyond managed to pull multiple forms out of its ass was beyond BanchoLeomon. And this was considering he had two of his own, as well. Avalon bought the entire group the time they needed to acclimate to Moon=Milleniummon's attacks, and BanchoLeomon was no different, dashing and weaving between shards of crystal. His sword swept aside the shards he didn't dodge, and the ones he failed to parry didn't manage to pierce the Gaku-Ran. Good enough. As he managed to duck behind the remnants of a destroyed building, BanchoLeomon chanced a glance around the battlefield, taking stock of the current situation. Examon had wisely decided not to surface from the water just yet, Beelzemon was still paralyzed and seemingly possessed, and Dorugoramon was...berserk. Wonderful. [i]Useless, all of them. Why was he the only sane one out of all this lot-[/i] BanchoLeomon blinked, forcing the intrusive thoughts from his head. Where had that come from? Even his darker Mode Change hadn't rendered him that hostile to his own allies normally. Then again, it stood to reason that if the crystalline bastard had managed to get inside his head once already, it could do so again. At this point, this entire shitshow of a day had him so worn down that he just processed the thought with grudging acceptance. There was nothing to be done about it, aside from killing the bastard. With that thought in mind, he looked to the skies once more, trying to work out an attack vector against Moon=Milleniummon when he noticed Parasimon in the skies, [i]dead weight[/i] in his grasp. With a gnash of his teeth, BanchoLeomon signaled his still-unexpected ally down next to him in cover, speaking louder once he got close. "Drop him here, we can't afford to babysit him! Not if that [i]thing[/i] got into your head like it's done mine!"