[Sub]Collab between[@WolfLover] and [@duskshine749][/Sub] [Center][img]https://i.gifer.com/6Mww.gif[/img][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/H-yeVv00-IbIogGhKX__SmO7HzvPtoeoxjTnDOJOGNDLqdFyKuJ1tRlDpcaVA_n3A_QOoR9tz85y-n530tvXkBFVQRGUwBMVri9As6m0aZkgSFNicd2wYVGSSnMcQ7HQfyQlZSEtTD_ycQPVAoFpyb6fWSVlCaOH88k_S_Lhpd7tA0F28VaxYmo7GyCaGft5UUGDfn_57igYVZxoXAov-a2KIW-6bOcWAypd-n_ELK-1HdaVnTBCKzWLDZqjPFo6-zwtanr_oKdIMOTgcrA0LTjxYybHZvhy0hriDleIAQI-CyFNqBJRhdQ_osC_KcpSyZitogSTLW9IPY1kZbyfB9fkxgblOe02RWbiOpwkLfZWMfxu09tnQv1382lvFf2yoz0LkoMJpEefKaHJj-oOzZTVmC28TATbcM8NgB4WE5d-X979OvxxlLwwD7y068EE_phLeh3akqiVwA7pl1NWZ2M3x5bb6-OdKIFwMPI9VNSOJEDAB0s3LfzmpmVXLsSkiRiGJJNw1B0YJIuB9tGh747gZ9tcmAiWrijAI9Wp_EkWvpYQUjrQYdT90kKLusblKcEuyk405bubn8_CQVsvfrWTf6m5ylNx7ZV8ha9gnRFGj0EEL6WA7F3KXteGSB_eiBddtrMtPIYIbNgQJAPRghQtQj0o9RT5t4iZHAlQg1imknBa7gjbBGnNuFDTw_QjGLjGMl9x7mLv0p9xDDgEGhBP9mi_eEB1ne2qsSRSJMVQXW-sN_fLGtcd2IHfxiI0cxiEM_G4LZtKKyOHs6_Ql1iBDV03KOzMD3OjBxFVuWe7y6tsep-s9g4tUiswQ5O_RKzta0KdCYiXxtV9hoXtL_CVTsPywzg4MygtkSigatp9HT03nsONrjtyTvqx4uIg5FnjFt6dN-oPE4AG5y0bEdrdWydwAy7OUJawb8PNe-s9Mzspk6s-vxFUyjn08Z-Qm_30MsIWD1CRgAic=w245-h150-s-no?authuser=0[/img] [b][Color=Crimson]Aurora Newman[/Color] & [Color=00a651]Daniel Cooper[/Color][/b][/Center][hr] Recoiling from Lucien’s mind trick; Aurora stifled a slight groan to the pounding in her head. As quickly as it came, it seemed to go. Albeit left her head tingling with an unpleasant sensation for a few seconds. Watching as Victor’s cousin retreated with his little army. The smug bastard clearly wasn’t prepared for his little attack; as he opted for running away like a little coward before the coven could finish off his werewolf army. Whilst everyone seemed to be going about their business again. Aurora was met with another painful sensation in her shoulder. After pouring herself a fresh cup with a drink of her choice; this time opting for Gin and Tonic. Aurora made her way towards the alchemy lab so she could grab a healing potion, her drink in hand. Sipping on it, whilst walking. It was around that moment that she saw Carlisle heading out of the attic. Relieved that Carlisle seemed to be alive, there was no denying that he looked like hell. He had been through a lot tonight. It indeed had been a rough night for members of the coven; especially those that took a hit or two. Aurora could only hope that Lucien wouldn’t be too eager to visit them again any time soon; especially after how easily the coven had handled the werewolves. Then again, they had luck on their side with a lot of the coven members being here at the party. As she entered the lab again; her eyes instantly began to scan through the shelves of varying potions. Daniel and Cait went their separate ways, and after all the adrenaline left his system, Daniel realized he was in a lot worse shape than he originally thought. Checking his chest it was still wet with blood, not to mention his shirt was basically in tatters. He removed what was left of the shirt and left it in a large garbage bag that had other waste from the party, mostly red solo cups. With that taken care of Daniel’s next order of business was to get this wound on his chest taken care of before it got infected, and for that he would need a healie. As he made his way to the alchemy lab Daniel had some time to think, another downside of being off his adrenaline high. What was he going to tell everyone? Was he even going to tell them? He had to, not doing it would be the coward's way out. But he wasn’t going to announce that he had betrayed the coven tonight, everyone had already been through enough for one day. Most people probably had no idea that there was a traitor, they probably figured it was just a stroke of bad luck, or good planning on the part of Lucien without the need for someone on the inside. At any rate, Daniel would want to tell Carlisle and Lilith some time soon. He might as well get Serena there too, have all the possible coven leaders hear his confession and decide on his punishment. He entered the alchemy lab and was surprised to find Aurora there. Then he realized that was a dumb thing to be surprised by, lots of people were probably banged up in the battle. It made sense that someone would probably be in here trying to heal up. [color=00a651]”Hey Aurora, some night huh? How are you doing?”[/color] He kept his tone casual, he needed to keep his head, Daniel didn’t want to ruin anything else tonight. Just as she found the reddish coloured healing potion; the sound of Daniel’s voice snapped her attention. [Color=Crimson] “Oh hey Daniel.” [/Color] Aurora greeted, with a slight sigh. Nodding at his comment. Looking towards the doorway fully to see him looking in a pretty rough shape himself. The sight of his bloodied and clawed chest made her brows crease with concern. [Color=Crimson] “Are you okay? That looks pretty bad.” [/Color] Grabbing the potion from the shelf, she handed one to Daniel before grabbing another one for herself. [Color=Crimson] “Indeed, it’s been a shit show.” [/Color] Not mincing her words; it was the truth. Aurora certainly wasn’t expecting the night to go this way. Placing her drink cup onto one of the benches. Aurora then opened up the small vial that contained the healing potion. [Color=Crimson] “Bottoms up.” [/Color] With a small cheers motion. Aurora downed the potion. Making a face of disgust as odd flavours danced on her tongue. Not sure if it was the fact that she had drunk some alcohol a few moments ago, or if the potion tasted just that hideously gross. [Color=Crimson] “How’s Cait doing?” [/Color] Aurora asked. Knowing the younger witch had run off when the Werewolves struck. Which is why Daniel no doubt took after her in the chaos. [color=00a651]”Ya, it feels about as bad as it looks. Thanks,”[/color] he took the vial from her and raised it as she did before drinking it. He could feel its effects immediately, touching his chest it already felt better. Now he needed a new shirt but that could wait, he was fine being shirtless, plus he still had blood on him, any shirt would just get dirty right away. Daniel chuckled seeing Aurora’s face after drinking the potion, [color=00a651]”you’d think they’d find a way to make the taste better. Maybe it's an incentive to not get hurt, then you don’t need to taste how bad it tastes.”[/color] He conjured a mudshake and used it to wash down the potion before answering her question, [color=00a651]”Cait’s okay, if a little shaken up. I did my best to keep her safe, guess I’m paying for that now, such is the price of chivalry.”[/color] He finished his drink and vanished the bottle, [color=00a651]”how did things go with the rest of them? I guess we won, I saw that Carlisle is better, I’m really glad about that. I’m not sure how I’d-”[/color] Daniel stopped himself before he said more, [color=00a651]”well, I’m happy he’s okay.”[/color] Aurora wasn’t sure what it was that made her look at him more closely. Maybe it was alcohol? But for the first time in her years of knowing him, she noticed how well toned his chest was, despite all the blood covering it. [Color=Crimson] “Who knows. I don’t think these things will ever be made to taste good. It definitely gives a weird taste with alcohol still lingering on my tongue.”[/Color] Aurora sat down on the bench and picked up her drink again. Hoping that the more alcohol would eventually wash off the weird taste on her tongue. As she listened to Daniel, Aurora could understand why Cait must have been shaken up. Especially in a situation like this, with them getting attacked. [Color=Crimson] “You both got out alive, I am sure she’s thankful.” [/Color] A soft smile on her lips. Sure, most of them did end up getting hurt, but luckily it wasn’t worse. [Color=Crimson] “Oh, Lucian and the rest of them run off like a couple of scaredy-cats. Most of them were pretty badly injured; so I guess it counts as a victory?” [/Color] She spoke with a slight shrug. Not sure what to label it as, to be honest. [Color=Crimson] “I am not sure we're out of the woods yet though. The barrier is still down. So for now, I guess we’re more vulnerable. Hopefully Lil and Carlisle can have the barrier up again when he’s feeling better.” [/Color] As they spoke about everything, Aurora noticed the slight pause in his words. Raising a slight eyebrow. [Color=Crimson] “You’re not sure how you’d…what?” [/Color] Prompting him. Trying to read his expression, Aurora wasn’t sure what could be bothering him. But it clearly was something. [Color=Crimson] “I can tell something’s bothering you. You know, I am here if you ever need someone to lend a listening ear, right?” [/Color] She gave him a soft reassuring smile. Daniel summoned another tea for himself and drank as he listened to Aurora recount how her end of the encounter had gone. It sounded like things had gone as well as they could, that made him feel better, but only marginally. When she brought up how the barrier was still down he looked away from her, it was all just too much. She caught on that something was wrong, and he really shouldn’t tell her. But she was just so kind and caring, and Daniel was so tired of it all. He looked up at her and saw it, that damned smile, it nearly broke him. [color=00a651]”It’s all my fault,”[/color] he looked away once more when he said it, and he was so quiet he would have been amazed if she heard him. His shiftiness was very noticeable to her eyes. As she sipped on her drink, her brow creased slightly. She saw his lips moving, but the words were hard to make out. [Color=Crimson] “I am sorry, what? I didn’t catch that.” [/Color] Doing her best to think of what he could have possibly said. Did he say something along the lines of something being his fault? If so, what was his fault? He looked back to her, tears welling up in his eyes slightly, [color=00a651]”I said it’s all my fault. It’s my fault the barrier came down. It’s my fault Carlisle nearly died. It’s my fault everyone was in danger tonight. All of it is because of me, I’m sorry,”[/color] Daniel nearly collapsed into a chair and put his head in his hands as he sobbed gently. [color=00a651]”I’m so sorry, I let everyone down.”[/color] As Daniel looked at her again, Aurora caught sight of his teary laced eyes. It was enough to break her heart. It wasn’t a look she was used to seeing on him. [Color=Crimson] “What do you mean, it’s all your fault? It doesn’t make any sense Danny.” [/Color] Moving closer towards him, Aurora wrapped her arms around him in a soft embrace as he broke down. Hating to see him so upset and torn up about the entire situation. Rubbing up and down his back in comforting strokes. [Color=Crimson] “It’s not your fault that Victor’s cousin is a dick.”[/Color] Doing her best to comfort him, in the situation. [Color=Crimson] Whatever it is, I am sure we’ll find a way to resolve it.” [/Color] Not knowing the bombshell he was about to drop on her in the next few seconds. Daniel sniffled, trying his best to keep his voice steady, Aurora’s arms around him helped him stay calm, [color=00a651]”I’ve been texting with Lucien for a few months. He told me Victor was in danger, and to do what he said to keep him safe. So I did, I gave him little updates about things. He had me give Lilith something. And through all of that he somehow cursed Carlisle.”[/color] He wiped his eyes and sniffled some more, [color=00a651]”gods I’m so stupid, how could I fall for such and obvious trap, stupid Daniel”[/color] Berating himself helped a bit, he deserved to be punished, but it wasn’t enough, he was still guilty of his crimes. With him confessing everything. Aurora found herself a little speechless. Her mind going back to the skirmish with Lucien. She swore she heard him mention something about the coven having a spy. But didn’t think he was serious, to her it sounded like an empty threat to try and shake up the whole coven. But now everything was starting to make full sense in her mind. Dan messed up. And badly at that. A small part of her wanted to be angry with him, for not thinking that something weird was up when a stranger was texting him. If it had been her; she would have seen red flags all over. Aurora knew Daniel was more sensible than that usually. It was a moment of bad judgement on his part. Really bad judgement. But she couldn’t blame him for thinking that Victor had been in danger. [Color=Crimson] “That crafty son of a Bitch.” [/Color] Mumbling to herself. Aurora downed the rest of her drink to try and ease her nerves. Feeling the liquid tingling the back of her throat. [Color=Crimson] “You’re not stupid. It was a mistake, people make mistakes.” [/Color] Aurora spoke in a softer tone once more. They were lucky that no one had died because of this incident. It could have been much much worse. But it still wasn’t right what had happened. [Color=Crimson] “You have to talk to Lil, Carlisle and Serena before they find out somehow first. If anything, they need to hear it from you first hand.” [/Color] Knowing that it probably wouldn’t come easy; but telling the truth was better than keeping it a secret. [color=00a651]”My mistake almost got people killed,”[/color] Daniel grabbed Aurora’s shoulders and looked down as he shuddered, she was really keeping him from fully falling apart right now. [color=00a651]”I knew it was sketchy, he never said his name or anything, I was just so scared of losing someone I cared about again.”[/color] He let his hands drop from her shoulder and looked up at her sadly, [color=00a651]”what if Carlisle didn’t get better? Or someone was seriously hurt and couldn’t be healed? That would be on me. I know it didn’t happen, but it could have, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself.”[/color] Daniel sighed, while it was nice to tell someone, Aurora wasn’t the one who needed to hear this. [color=00a651]”I know I have to tell the others, I just didn’t want to make tonight any worse. I want to give Carlisle some time to recuperate before he exiles me from the coven.”[/color] He let out a slight chuckle, but there was no humour in it. [color=00a651]”You know, out of everyone I could have had this breakdown with, I’m glad it was you.”[/color] As he gripped onto her shoulders more tightly, Aurora gave him a gentle squeeze of reassurance. Not even caring that she was looking a bloody mess right now; as some blood had smudged off from Daniel and onto her dress. Her dress had been ruined anyway. She understood his fear. [Color=Crimson] “You’re not the only one scared of losing Vic or anyone else that you’re close to. We’re all scared of losing those we care about.” [/Color] Aurora’s eyes filled with sympathy and understanding. The sad look on his face tugged at her heart-strings. [Color=Crimson] “I know, things could have been much worse. But it’ll only cause more distress thinking about the what if’s of the situation.” [/Color] She said honestly. [Color=Crimson] “Everyone made it out alive, that’s what matters the most right now.” [/Color] Her brows slightly furrowed in concern. [Color=Crimson] “You really think Carlisle would kick you out for getting manipulated by Lucien?” [/Color] Aurora didn’t think that anyone in the coven would be that cruel. Sure, they would be angry with him. But kicking him out seemed too…final. Too cruel. [Color=Crimson] “Whilst I do understand your worry about not making tonight worse. But trust me when I say, that you keeping this away from the others will only get worse, the longer you keep it away from them.” [/Color] She didn’t want him to get into more trouble, if he decided to keep it bottled up for weeks before coming clean to everyone else. Especially the 3 main people that he needed to. A soft smile formed on her lips as he spoke about her being there for him. [Color=Crimson] “You’re welcome, I guess. I am always here, if you need to talk.[/Color] She indeed was always glad to help out anyone who needed her help and advice. [color=00a651]”You’re right, I’m just getting in my head about all this, I still feel awful, but talking has me feeling a bit better, thanks again Aurora,”[/color] Daniel hugged her then a moment later remembered he was still bloody and let go. [color=00a651]”Oh gods, I’m sorry, I got your dress all bloody. I mean, you still look great, but I hear blood is hard to get out,”[/color] Daniel didn’t mean to let out he thought she looked good, but it was too late now. He faked a yawn and covered his mouth to try and change topics, [color=00a651]”anyway, I’m pretty tired after everything, I should probably get going.”[/color] While it’s true he was tired, Daniel thought he should go before he made more of a fool of himself. As much as she wished that there was something she could do to help him from feeling so awful; she knew the rest was out of her hands. The rest was up to Daniel. [Color=Crimson] “I am glad I could at least help a little bit.” [/Color] she spoke softly, as she returned the hug. Aurora didn’t mind the closeness, nor did the blood bother her. Hearing his apology she shook her head lightly. [Color=Crimson] “It’s okay, Lucien ruined the dress already with his fire-ball earlier. A little blood’s not gonna change that.” [/Color] As he complimented her on looking great despite feeling like a huge mess right now, she felt her face grow warm. Before she could really question that comment, or respond she noted his yawn. Fighting the urge to yawn herself; fake or real for that matter. [Color=Crimson] “I am pretty beat myself. I should head home. I’ll catch you later. Have a good evening, well what’s rest of it I suppose.” [/Color] Aurora’s goodnight a bit awkward, as her mind recalled his compliment a few seconds earlier. Still feeling a bit flustered to say the least. As they parted their own ways for the evening, she grabbed her belongings on the way so she could call herself a cab to head back home for the night.